Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 2876-2895 of 5060
2014-12-11ZeitschriftenartikelManagement of pregnant women infected with Ebola virus in a treatment centre in Guinea, June 2014 We report two cases of confirmed Ebola virus disease in pregnant women, who presented at the Médecins Sans Frontières Ebola treatment centre in Guéckédou. Despite the very high risk of death, both pregnant women survived. ...
2001-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelManagement und Kontrolle einer Influenzapandemie Konzeptionelle Überlegungen für einen deutschen InfluenzapandemieplanMit einem erneuten pandemischen Auftreten der Influenza muss jederzeit gerechnet werden. Daher hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) alle Staaten aufgerufen, entsprechende planerische Vorbereitungen zu treffen. Ein ...
1999-05-01ZeitschriftenartikelManagement und Kontrolle lebensbedrohender hochkontagiöser Infektionskrankheiten Ein Einschleppen lebensbedrohender und zugleich hochkontagiöser Infektionskrankheiten wie Lungenpest oder Ebola-Fieber nach Deutschland erscheint zur Zeit nicht sehr wahrscheinlich, ist aber grundsätzlich nicht auszuschließen. ...
2012-05-31ZeitschriftenartikelMandatory and recommended vaccination in the EU, Iceland and Norway: results of the VENICE 2010 survey on the ways of implementing national vaccination programmes This report provides an updated overview of recommended and mandatory vaccinations in the European Union (EU), Iceland and Norway, considering the differences in vaccine programme implementation between countries. In 2010, ...
2022-01-10ZeitschriftenartikelMapping European research networks providing health data: results from the InfAct Joint Action on health information Background: Research networks offer multidisciplinary expertise and promote information exchange between researchers across Europe. They are essential for the European Union’s (EU) health information system as providers ...
2013-01-14ZeitschriftenartikelMapping low intake of micronutrients across Europe Achieving an understanding of the extent of micronutrient adequacy across Europe is a major challenge. The main objective of the present study was to collect and evaluate the prevalence of low micronutrient intakes of ...
2020-11-09ZeitschriftenartikelMapping the evidence regarding school-to-work/university transition and health inequalities among young adults: a scoping review protocol Introduction School-to-work/university transition is a sensitive period that can have a substantial impact on health and health behaviour over the life course. There is some indication that health and health behaviour is ...
2009-03-19ZeitschriftenartikelMarked decrease in reporting incidence of salmonellosis driven by lower rates of Salmonella Enteritidis infections in Germany in 2008 – a continuing trend
2021-08-05ZeitschriftenartikelMarkedly decreasing azithromycin susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Germany, 2014 to 2021 We monitored antimicrobial susceptibility developments of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Germany from January 2014 to May 2021. The proportion of isolates with azithromycin minimum inhibitory concentrations above the epidemiological ...
2016-08-08ZeitschriftenartikelMasern unter tschetschenischen Asylsuchenden im Zeitraum Januar bis Juli 2016
2013-08-24ZeitschriftenartikelMasern-Surveillance in Deutschland
2020-10-13ZeitschriftenartikelMass gathering events and undetected transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in vulnerable populations leading to an outbreak with high case fatality ratio in the district of Tirschenreuth, Germany In early March 2020, a COVID-19-outbreak occurred in the district of Tirschenreuth, Germany. The outbreak was characterised by a rapid increase in case numbers and a comparatively high crude case fatality ratio (CFR; 11%). ...
2009-06-18ZeitschriftenartikelMassive outbreak of viral gastroenteritis associated with consumption of municipal drinking water in a European capital city On 24 August 2008, an outbreak alert regarding cases of acute gastroenteritis in Podgorica triggered investigations to guide control measures. From 23 August to 7 September, 1699 cases were reported in Podgorica (population ...
2020-01-07ZeitschriftenartikelMaternal effects on offspring growth indicate post-weaning juvenile dependence in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) Background In animals with altricial offspring, most growth occurs after birth and may be optimized by post-natal maternal care. Maternal effects on growth may be influenced by individual characteristics of the mothers, ...
2022-10-07ZeitschriftenartikelMaternal effects on the development of vocal communication in wild chimpanzees Early-life experiences, such as maternal care received, influence adult social integration and survival. We examine what changes to social behavior through ontogeny lead to these lifelong effects, particularly whether ...
2019-06-04ZeitschriftenartikelMaternal Immunization and Antenatal Care Situation Analysis (MIACSA) study protocol: a multiregional, cross-sectional analysis of maternal immunization delivery strategies to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality Introduction Maternal immunization (MI) with tetanus toxoid containing vaccine, is a safe and cost-effective way of preventing neonatal tetanus. Given the prospect of introducing new maternal vaccines in the near ...
2021-07-13ZeitschriftenartikelMathematical Modelling of the Molecular Mechanisms of Interaction of Tenofovir with Emtricitabine against HIV The combination of the two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and emtricitabine (FTC) is used in most highly active antiretroviral therapies for treatment of HIV-1 ...
2021-03-31ZeitschriftenartikelMaßnahmen zur Bewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland: nichtpharmakologische und pharmakologische Ansätze Beim ersten Auftreten des Erregers SARS-CoV‑2 im Dezember 2019 standen weder spezifische therapeutische Möglichkeiten noch ein Impfstoff zur Verfügung. Auch in Deutschland rückten deshalb nichtpharmakologische Maßnahmen ...
2018-03-15ZeitschriftenartikelMaßnahmen zur verbesserten Einbindung und Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund in KiGGS Welle 2 Im Rahmen des Gesundheitsmonitorings am Robert Koch-Institut konnten in der Basiserhebung der Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland (KiGGS) durch umfangreiche Maßnahmen Kinder und Jugendliche ...
2016-07-21ZeitschriftenartikelMännergesundheit – Think positive!