Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 2545-2564 of 3855
2020-05-13ZeitschriftenartikelParasite detection in food: Current status and future needs for validation Background Many parasites (protozoa and helminths) can be transmitted through food and lead to infections with high morbidity, as well as disease outbreaks. Although the importance of foodborne parasites (FBP) is recognised ...
2018-10-08ZeitschriftenartikelParasitic Nematodes Exert Antimicrobial Activity and Benefit From Microbiota-Driven Support for Host Immune Regulation Intestinal parasitic nematodes live in intimate contact with the host microbiota. Changes in the microbiome composition during nematode infection affect immune control of the parasites and shifts in the abundance of bacterial ...
2017-07-03ZeitschriftenartikelParents with mental health problems and their children in a German population based sample: Results of the BELLA study Background: Mental health problems (MHP) of parents are associated with an increased risk of psychological and developmental difficulties in their children. This study aims at analyzing population-based data of parents ...
2013-05-27ZeitschriftenartikelParticipation in cancer screening programmes Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)A growing number of people in Germany participate in the cancer screening services offered by statutory health insurance. Using data from the first wave of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelParticipation in group-based physical activity programmes for adults in Germany and associated factors: data from a nationwide cohort study Background Characteristics of different participation groups can provide important information to increase participation in group-based physical activity programmes (GPAPs). This study examined four types of participation ...
2013-05-27ZeitschriftenartikelParticipation in health behaviour change programmes Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)Health behaviour change programmes to promote healthy behaviours are aimed at, among other things, counteracting the emergence of widespread non-communicable diseases. Which population groups use these programmes? This ...
2020-02-26ZeitschriftenartikelParticipation in structured diabetes mellitus self-management education program and association with lifestyle behavior: results from a population-based study Objective Whether participation in structured diabetes self-management education programs (DSME) for participants with diabetes mellitus is associated with a healthy lifestyle in routine care apart from randomized-controlled ...
2021-07-10ZeitschriftenartikelParticipation in structured diabetes self-management education programs and its associations with self-management behaviour – a nationwide population-based study Objective: To evaluate the relationship between participation in structured diabetes self-management education programs (DSME) and self-management behaviour (SMB) in routine care. Methods: The study included 864 ever- ...
2019-07-29ZeitschriftenartikelParticipatory approach to quality development in infection prevention and control (IPC) in Nigerian health facilities The development of an educational concept of a training programme for infection prevention and control (IPC) was seen as a key issue to successfully address the complexity of change processes of professional IPC routines ...
2022-11-10ZeitschriftenartikelParticipatory development and implementation of inclusive digital health communication on COVID-19 with homeless people Introduction: People experiencing homelessness (PEH) are disproportionally affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The realities of their daily lives have been given little consideration in the pandemic response. They are not ...
2017-02-10ZeitschriftenartikelParticipatory epidemiology: the contribution of participatory research to epidemiology Background: Epidemiology has contributed in many ways to identifying various risk factors for disease and to promoting population health. However, there is a continuing debate about the ability of epidemiology not only ...
2009-03-01ZeitschriftenartikelPartikelpenetration von der Außenluft in die Raumluft: Durchlässigkeitskoeffizienten in Abhängigkeit von Partikelgröße und Luftdichtheit der Untersuchungsräume Penetration of particles from outdoor into indoor air. Penetration factors in relation to particle size and air tightness of roomsHintergrund: Um das Ausmaß der Penetration von Außenluftpartikeln in Innenräume zu bestimmen, wurde eine Feldstudie in sechs vorübergehend ungenutzten Büroräumen durchgeführt, die unterschiedlich hohe Luftdichtheiten ...
2019-06-06ZeitschriftenartikelPartnering for enhanced digital surveillance of influenza‐like disease and the effect of antivirals and vaccines (PEDSIDEA) Background Standardised clinical outcome measures are urgently needed for the surveillance of influenza and influenza‐like illness (ILI) based on individual patient data (IPD). Objectives We report a multicentre prospective ...
2017-05-22ZeitschriftenartikelParvovirus B19-induced vascular damage in the heart is associated with elevated circulating endothelial microparticles Background: Diagnosis of viral myocarditis is difficult by clinical criteria but facilitated by detection of inflammation and viral genomes in endomyocardial biopsies. Parvovirus B19 (B19V) targets endothelial cells ...
2011-09-08ZeitschriftenartikelPasteurella multocida Involved in Respiratory Disease of Wild Chimpanzees Pasteurella multocida can cause a variety of diseases in various species of mammals and birds throughout the world but nothing is known about its importance for wild great apes. In this study we isolated P. multocida from ...
2003-08-15ZeitschriftenartikelPathogenese der Legionelleninfektion Arbeiten der Nachwuchsgruppe „Pathogenese der Legionelleninfektion“ des Robert Koch-InstitutsLegionellen sind Gram-negative Bakterien, die im Süßwasser als intrazelluläre Parasiten von Protozoen vorkommen. Nach Inhalation besiedelt das Bakterium Alveolarmakrophagen und alveoläre Epithelzellen der Lunge. Beim ...
2002-02-01ZeitschriftenartikelPathogenitätsfaktoren bei Pilzinfektionen Arbeiten der Nachwuchsgruppe “Pathogenitätsfaktoren bei Pilzinfektionen” des Robert Koch-InstitutsFür die starke Zunahme von Infektionen durch opportunistische Pilze sind vor allem prädisponierende Faktoren verantwortlich,welche die natürliche Abwehr des Wirtes abschwächen.Trotzdem müssen pathogene Pilze, wie die ...
2022-08-30ZeitschriftenartikelPathoLive—Real-Time Pathogen Identification from Metagenomic Illumina Datasets Over the past years, NGS has become a crucial workhorse for open-view pathogen diagnostics. Yet, long turnaround times result from using massively parallel high-throughput technologies as the analysis can only be performed ...
2021-12-28ZeitschriftenartikelPathological Findings in Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) Found Dead between 2015−2020 in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Working with protected and elusive wildlife species remains a challenge when it comes to population health investigations. Specimens found dead, such as road-killed animals, can therefore serve as a valuable source to ...
2018-10-18ZeitschriftenartikelPathways of host cell exit by intracellular pathogens Host cell exit is a critical step in the life-cycle of intracellular pathogens, intimately linked to barrier penetration, tissue dissemination, inflammation, and pathogen transmission. Like cell invasion and intracellular ...