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Browsing by Author "Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien"
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2019-03-19ZeitschriftenartikelA Novel Orthohepadnavirus Identified in a Dead Maxwell’s Duiker (Philantomba maxwellii) in Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire Gogarten, Jan F.; Ulrich, Markus; Bhuva, Nishit; Garcia, Joel; Jain, Komal; Lee, Bohyun; Löhrich, Therese; Oleynik, Alexandra; Couacy-Hymann, Emmanuel; Fuh Neba, Terence; Mishra, Nischay; Briese, Thomas; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Lipkin, W. Ian; Leendertz, Fabian H.New technologies enable viral discovery in a diversity of hosts, providing insights into viral evolution. We used one such approach, the virome capture sequencing for vertebrate viruses (VirCapSeq-VERT) platform, on 21 ...
2021-09-09ZeitschriftenartikelA year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa Wilkinson, Eduan; Giovanetti, Marta; Tegally, Houriiyah; San, James E.; Lessells, Richard; Cuadros, Diego; Martin, Darren P.; Rasmussen, David A.; Zerki, Abdel-Rahman N.; Sangare, Abdoul K.; Ouedraogo, Abdoul-Salam; Sesay, Abdul K.; Priscilla, Abechi; Kemi, Adedotun-Sulaiman; Olubusuyi, Adewunmi M.; Oluwapelumi, Adeyemi O. O.; Hammami, Adnène; Amuri, Adrienne A.; Sayed, Ahmad; Ouma, Ahmed E. O.; Elargoubi, Aida; Ajayi, Nnennaya A.; Victoria, Ajogbasile F.; Kazeem, Akano; George, Akpede; Trotter, Alexander J.; Yahaya, Ali A.; Keita, Alpha K.; Diallo, Amadou; Kone, Amadou; Souissi, Amal; Chtourou, Amel; Gutierrez, Ana V.; Page, Andrew J.; Vinze, Anika; Iranzadeh, Arash; Lambisia, Arnold; Ismail, Arshad; Rosemary, Audu; Sylverken, Augustina; Femi, Ayoade; Ibrahimi, Azeddine; Marycelin, Baba; Oderinde, Bamidele S.; Bolajoko, Bankole; Dhaala, Beatrice; Herring, Belinda L.; Njanpop-Lafourcade, Berthe-Marie; Kleinhans, Bronwyn; McInnis, Bronwyn; Tegomoh, Bryan; Brook, Cara; Pratt, Catherine B.; Scheepers, Cathrine; Akouka-Koffi, Chantal G.; Agoti, Charles N.; Peyrefitte, Christophe; Daubenberger, Claudia; Morang'a, Collins M.; Nokes, D. James; Amoako, Daniel G.; Bugembe, Daniel L.; Park, Danny; Baker, David; Doolabh, Deelan; Ssemwanga, Deogratius; Tshiabuila, Derek; Bassirou, Diarra; Amuzu, Dominic S. Y.; Goedhals, Dominique; Omouyo, Donwilliams O.; Maruapula, Doracs; Foster-Nyarko, Ebenezer; Lusamaki, Eddy K.; Simulundu, Edgar; Ong'era, Edidah M.; Ngabana, Edith N.; Shumba, Edwin; el Fahime, Elmostafa; Lokilo, Emmanuel; Mukantwari, Enatha; Philomena, Eromon; Belarbi, Essia; Simon-Loriere, Etienne; Anoh, Etilé A.; Leendertz, Fabian; Ajili, Faida; Enoch, Fakayode O.; Wasfi, Fares; Abdelmoula, Fatma; Mosha, Fausta S.; Takawira, Faustinos T.; Derrar, Fawzi; Bouzid, Feriel; Onikepe, Folarin; Adeola, Fowotade; Muyembe, Francisca M.; Tanser, Frank; Dratibi, Fred A.; Mbunsu, Gabriel K.; Thilliez, Gaean; Kay, Gemma L.; Githinji, George; van Zyl, Gert; Awandare, Gordon A.; Schubert, Grit; Maphalala, Gugu P.; Rannaivoson, Hafaliana C.; Lemriss, Hajar; Anise, Happi; Abe, Haruka; Karray, Hela H.; Nansumba, Hellen; Elgahzaly, Hesham A.; Gumbo, Hlanai; Smeti, Ibtihel; Ayed, Ikhlas B.; Odia, Ikponmwosa; Boubaker, Ilhem Boubita Ben; Gaaloul, Imed; Gazy, Inbal; Mudau, Innocent; Ssewanyana, Isaac; Konstantinus, Iyaloo; Lekana-Douk, Jean B.; Makangara, Jean-Claude C.; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques M.; Heraud, Jean-Michel; Shaffer, Jeffrey G.; Giandhari, Jennifer; Li, Jing Jing; Yasuda, Jiro; Mends, Joana Q.; Kiconco, Jocelyn; Morobe, John M.; Gyapong, John O.; Okolie, Johnson C.; Kayiwa, John T.; Edwards, Johnathan A.; Gyamfi, Jones; Farah, Jouali; Nakaseegu, Joweira; Ngoi, Joyce M.; Namulondo, Joyce; Andeko, Julia C.; Lutwama, Julius J.; O'Grady, Justin; Siddle, Katherine; Adeyemi, Kayode T.; Tumedi, Kefentse A.; Said, Khadija M.; Hae-Young, Kim; Duedu, Kwabena; Belyamani, Lahcen; Fki-Berrajah, Lamia; Singh, Lavanya; de Oliveira Martins, Leonardo; Tyers, Lynn; Ramuth, Magalutcheemee; Matsouri, Maha; Aouni, Mahjoub; el Hefnawi, Mahmoud; Matsheka, Maitshwarelo I.; Kebabonye, Malebogo; Diop, Mamadou; Turki, Manel; Paye, Marietou; Nyaga, Martin M.; Mareka, Mathabo; Damaris, Matoke-Muhia; Mburu, Maureen W.; Mpina, Maximillian; Nwando, Mba; Owusu, Michael; Wiley, Michael R.; Youtchou, Mirabeau T.; Ayekaba, Mitoha O.; Abouelhoda, Mohamed; Seadawy, Mohamed G.; Khalifa, Mohamed K.; Sekhele, Mooko; Ouadghiri, Mouna; Diagne, Moussa M.; Mwenda, Mulenga; Allam, Mushal; Phan, My V. T.; Abid, Nabil; Touil, Nadia; rujeni, Nadine; Kharrat, Najla; Ismael, Nalia; Dia, Ndongo; Mabunda, Neido; Hsiao, Nei-Yuan; Silochi, Nelson B.; Nsenga, Ngoy; Gumede, Nicksy; Mulder, Nicola; Ndodo, Nnaemeka; Razanajatovo, Norosoa H.; Iguosadolo, Nosamiefan; Judith, Oguzie; Kingsley, Ojide C.; Sylvanus, Okogbenin; Peter, Okokhere; Femi, Oladiji; Idowu, Olawoye; Testimony, Olumade; Chukwuma, Omoruyi E.; Ogah, Onwe E.; Onwuamah, Chika K.; Cyril, Oshomah; Faye, Ousmane; Tomori, Oyewale; Ondoa, Pascale; Combe, Patrice; Semanda, Patrick; Oluniyi, Paul E.; Arnaldo, Paulo; Quashie, Peter K.; Dussart, Philippe; Bester, Phillip A.; Mbala, Placide K.; Ayivor-Djanie, Reuben; Njouom, Richard; Phillips, Richard O.; Gorman, Richmond; Lemriss; Kingsley, Robert A.; Carr, Rosina A. A.; el Kabbaj, Saâd; Gargouri, Saba; Masmoudi, Saber; Sankhe, Safietou; Lawal, Salako B.; Kassim, Samar; Trabelsi, Sameh; Metha, Samar; Kammoun, Sami; Lemriss, Sanaâ; Agwa, Sara H. A.; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Schaffner, Stephen F.; Doumbia, Seydou; Mandanda, Sheila M.; Aryeetey, Sherihane; Ahmed, Shymaa S.; Elhamoumi, Siham; Andriamandimby, Soafy; Tope, Sobajo; Lekana-Douki, Sonia; Prosolek, Sophie; Ouangraoua, Soumeya; Mundeke, Steve A.; Rudder, Steven; Panji, Sumir; Pillay, Sureshnee; Engelbrecht, Susan; Nabadda, Susan; Behillil, Sylvie; Budiaki, Sylvie L.; van der Werf, Sylvie; Mashe, Tapfumanei; Aanniz, Tarik; Mohale, Thabo; Le-Viet, Thanh; Schindler, Tobias; Anyaneji, Ugochukwu; Chinedu, Ugwu; Ramphal, Upasana; Jessica, Uwanibe; George, Uwem; Fonseca, Vagner; Enouf, Vincent; Gorova, Vivianne; Roshdy, Wael H.; Ampofo, William K.; Preiser, Wolfgang; Choga, Wonderful T.; Bediako, Yaw; Naidoo, Yeshnee; Butera, Yvan; de Laurent, Zaydah R..; Sall, Amadou A.; Rebai, Ahmed; von Gottberg, Anne; Kouriba, Bourema; Williamson, Carolyn; Bridges, Daniel J.; Chikwe, Ihkeweazu; Biman, Jinal N.; Mine, Madisa; Cotten, Matthew; Moyo, Sikhulile; Gaseitsiwe, Simani; Saasa, Ngonda; Sabeti, Pardis C.; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Tebeje, Yenew K.; Tessema, Sofonias K.; Happi, Christian; Nkengasong, John; de Oliveira, TulioThe progression of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic in Africa has so far been heterogeneous, and the full impact is not yet well understood. In this study, we describe the genomic ...
2015-05-20ZeitschriftenartikelAdenovirus in Rural Côte D`Ivoire: High Diversity and Cross-Species Detection Pauly, Maude; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal; Buchwald, Nanina; Schubert, Grit; Weiss, Sabrina; Couacy-Hymann, Emmanuel; Anoh, Augustin Etile; Mossoun, Arsène; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Siv Aina; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Ehlers, BernhardThe Taï region in Western Côte d`Ivoire is characterized by extensive overlap of human and animal habitats. This could influence patterns of adenovirus transmission between humans and domestic animals. Fecal samples from ...
2022-08-15ZeitschriftenartikelAdvancing Precision Vaccinology by Molecular and Genomic Surveillance of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Germany, 2021 Oh, Djin-Ye; Hölzer, Martin; Paraskevopolou, Sofia; Tofimova, Maria; Hartkopf, Felix; Budt, Matthias; Wedde, Marianne; Richard, Hugues; Haldemann, Berit; Domaszewska, Teresa; Reiche, Janine; Keeren, Kathrin; Radonić, Aleksander; Ramos Calderón, Julia Patricia; Smith, Maureen Rebecca; Brinkmann, Annika; Trappe, Kathrin; Drechsel, Oliver; Klaper, Kathleen; Hein, Sascha; Hildt, Eberhardt; Haas, Walter; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Semmler, Torsten; Dürrwald, Ralf; Thürmer, Andrea; Drosten, Christian; Fuchs, Stephan; Kröger, Stefan; von Kleist, Max; Wolff, Thorsten; Integrated Molecular Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 (IMS-SC2) Laboratory NetworkBackground Comprehensive pathogen genomic surveillance represents a powerful tool to complement and advance precision vaccinology. The emergence of the Alpha variant in December 2020 and the resulting efforts to track ...
2017-03-28ZeitschriftenartikelAncient Recombination Events between Human Herpes Simplex Viruses Burrel, Sonia; Boutolleau, David; Ryu, Diane; Agut, Henri; Merkel, Kevin; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Calvignac-Spencer, SébastienHerpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are seen as close relatives but also unambiguously considered as evolutionary independent units. Here, we sequenced the genomes of 18 HSV-2 isolates characterized by divergent ...
2022-03-03ZeitschriftenartikelAntibody escape and global spread of SARS-CoV-2 lineage A.27 Kaleta, Tamara; Kern, Lisa; Hong, Samuel Leandro; Hölzer, Martin; Kochs, Georg; Beer, Julius; Schnepf, Daniel; Schwemmle, Martin; Bollen, Nena; Kolb, Philipp; Huber, Magdalena; Ulferts, Svenja; Weigang, Sebastian; Dudas, Gytis; Alice, Wittig; Jaki, Lena; Padane, Abdou; Lagare, Adamou; Salou, Mounerou; Ozer, Egon Anderson; Nnaemeka, Ndodo; Odoom, John Kofi; Rutayisire, Robert; Benkahla, Alia; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal; Ouedraogo, Abdoul-Salam; Simon-Lorière, Etienne; Enouf, Vincent; Kröger, Stefan; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Baele, Guy; Panning, Marcus; Fuchs, JonasIn spring 2021, an increasing number of infections was observed caused by the hitherto rarely described SARS-CoV-2 variant A.27 in south-west Germany. From December 2020 to June 2021 this lineage has been detected in 31 ...
2022-05-10ZeitschriftenartikelArchival influenza virus genomes from Europe reveal genomic variability during the 1918 pandemic Patrono, Livia V.; Vrancken, Bram; Budt, Matthias; Düx, Ariane; Lequime, Sebastian; Boral, Sengül; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Gogarten, Jan F.; Hoffmann, Luisa; Horst, David; Merkel, Kevin; Morens, David; Prepoint, Baptiste; Schlotterbeck, Jasmin; Schuenemann, Verena J.; Suchard, Marc A.; Taubenberger, Jeffery K.; Tenkhoff, Luisa; Urban, Christian; Widulin, Navena; Winter, Eduard; Worobey, Michael; Schnalke, Thomas; Wolff, Thorsten; Lemey, Philippe; Calvignac-Spencer, SébastienThe 1918 influenza pandemic was the deadliest respiratory pandemic of the 20th century and determined the genomic make-up of subsequent human influenza A viruses (IAV). Here, we analyze both the first 1918 IAV genomes from ...
2016-11-30ZeitschriftenartikelAssessing the feasibility of fly based surveillance of wildlife infectious diseases Hoffmann, Constanze; Stockhausen, Melanie; Merkel, Kevin; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Fabian H.Monitoring wildlife infectious agents requires acquiring samples suitable for analyses, which is often logistically demanding. A possible alternative to invasive or non-invasive sampling of wild-living vertebrates is the ...
2016-09-08ZeitschriftenartikelBacillus cereus Biovar Anthracis Causing Anthrax in Sub-Saharan Africa—Chromosomal Monophyly and Broad Geographic Distribution Antonation, Kym S.; Grützmacher, Kim; Dupke, Susann; Mabon, Philip; Zimmermann, Fee; Lankester, Felix; Peller, Tianna; Feistner, Anna; Todd, Angelique; Herbinger, Ilka; Nys, Hélène de; Muyembe-Tamfun, Jean-Jacques; Karhemere, Stomy; Wittig, Roman M.; Couacy-Hymann, Emmanuel; Grunow, Roland; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Corbett, Cindi R.; Klee, Silke; Leendertz, Fabian H.Through full genome analyses of four atypical Bacillus cereus isolates, designated B. cereus biovar anthracis, we describe a distinct clade within the B. cereus group that presents with anthrax-like disease, carrying ...
2019-08-01ZeitschriftenartikelCytomegalovirus distribution and evolution in hominines Murthy, Sripriya; O’Brien, Kathryn; Agbor, Anthony; Angedakin, Samuel; Arandjelovic, Mimi; Ayuk Ayimisin, Emmanuel; Bailey, Emma; Bergl, Richard A.; Brazzola, Gregory; Dieguez, Paula; Eno-Nku, Manasseh; Eshuis, Henk; Fruth, Barbara; Gillespie, Thomas R.; Ginath, Yisa; Maryke, Gray; Herbinger, Ilka; Jones, Sorrel; Kehoe, Laura; Kühl, Hjalmar; Kujirakwinja, Deo; Lee, Kevin; Madinda, Nadège F.; Mitamba, Guillain; Muhindo, Emmanuel; Nishuli, Radar; Ormsby, Lucy J.; Petrzelkova, Klara J.; Plumptre, Andrew J.; Robbins, Martha M.; Sommer, Volker; Ter Heegde, Martijn; Todd, Angelique; Tokunda, Raymond; Wessling, Erin; Jarvis, Michael V.; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Ehlers, Bernhard; Calvignac-Spencer, SébastienHerpesviruses are thought to have evolved in very close association with their hosts. This is notably the case for cytomegaloviruses (CMVs; genus Cytomegalovirus) infecting primates, which exhibit a strong signal of ...
2017-12-29ZeitschriftenartikelCytomegaloviruses in a Community of Wild Nonhuman Primates in Taï National Park, Côte D’Ivoire Anoh, Augustin Etile; Murthy, Sripriya; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal; Couacy-Hymann, Emmanuel; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Ehlers, BernhardCytomegaloviruses (CMVs) are known to infect many mammals, including a number of nonhuman primates (NHPs). However, most data available arose from studies led on captive individuals and little is known about CMV diversity ...
2021-03-15ZeitschriftenartikelDiscovery of Novel Herpes Simplexviruses in Wild Gorillas, Bonobos, and Chimpanzees Supports Zoonotic Origin of HSV-2 Wertheim, Joel O.; Hostager, Reilly; Ryu, Diane; Merkel, Kevin; Angedakin, Samuel; Arandjelovic, Mimi; Ayimisin, Emmanuel Ayuk; Babweteera, Fred; Bessone, Mattia; Brun-Jeffrey, Kathryn J.; Dieguez, Paula; Eckardt, Winnie; Fruth, Barbara; Herbinger, Ilka; Jones, Sorrel; Kuehl, Hjalmar; Langergraber, Kevin E.; Lee, Kevin; Madinda, Nadege F.; Metzger, Sonja; Ormsby, Lucy Jayne; Robbins, Martha M.; Sommer, Volker; Stoinski, Tara; Wessling, Erin G.; Wittig, Roman M.; Yuh, Yisa Ginath; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Calvignac-Spencer, SébastienViruses closely related to human pathogens can reveal the origins of human infectious diseases. Human herpes simplexvirus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) are hypothesized to have arisen via host-virus codivergence and ...
2021-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelEmergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.620 with variant of concern-like mutations and deletions Dudas, Gytis; Hong, Samuel L.; Potter, Barney I.; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Niatou-Singa, Frédéric S.; Tombolomako, Thais B.; Fuh-Neba, Terence; Vickos, Ulrich; Ulrich, Markus; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Khan, Kamran; Huber, Carmen; Watts, Alexander; Olendraitė, Ingrida; Snijder, Joost; Wijnant, Kim N.; Bonvin, Alexandre M.J.J.; Martres, Pascale; Behillil, Sylvie; Ayouba, Ahidjo; Foudi-Maïdadi, Martin; Meta-Djomsi, Dowbiss; Gowde, Celestin; Butel, Christelle; Šimaitis, Aistis; Gabrielaitė, Miglė; Katėnaitė, Monika; Norvilas, Rimvydas; Raugaitė, Ligita; Koyaweda, Giscard Wilfried; Kandou, Jephté Kaleb; Jonikas, Rimvydas; Nasvytienė, Inga; Žemeckienė, Živilė; Gečys, Dovydas; Tamušauskaitė, Kamilė; Norkienė, Milda; Vasiliūnaitė, Emilija; Žiogienė, Danguolė; Timinskas, Albertas; Šukys, Marius; Šarauskas, Mantas; Alzbutas, Gediminas; Amuri Aziza, Adrienne; Lusamaki, Eddy Kinganda; Makangara Cigolo, Jean-Claude; Muyembe Mawete, Francisca; Lofiko, Emmanuel Lokilo; Mbala-Kingebeni, Placide; Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean-Jacques; Belizaire, Marie Roseline Darnycka; Essomba, René Ghislain; Okomo Assoumou, Marie Claire; Mboringong, Akenji Blaise; Dieng, Alle Baba; Jouzapaitė, Dovilė; Hosch, Salome; Obama, Justino; Ondo'o Ayekaba, Mitoha; Naumovas, Daniel; Pautienius, Arnoldas; Rafaï, Clotaire Donatien; Vitkauskienė, Astra; Ugenskienė, Rasa; Gedvilaitė, Alma; Čereškevičius, Darius; Lesauskaitė, Vaiva; Žemaitis, Lukas; Griškevičius, Laimonas; Baele, GuyDistinct SARS-CoV-2 lineages, discovered through various genomic surveillance initiatives, have emerged during the pandemic following unprecedented reductions in worldwide human mobility. We here describe a SARS-CoV-2 ...
2015-09-03ZeitschriftenartikelGenome Sequence of a Central Chimpanzee-Associated Polyomavirus Related to BK and JC Polyomaviruses, Pan troglodytes troglodytes Polyomavirus 1 Madinda, Nadège F.; Robbins, Martha M.; Boesch, Christophe; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Ehlers, Bernhard; Calvignac-Spencer, SébastienWe amplified and sequenced the genome of a polyomavirus infecting a central chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). This virus, which is closely related to BK and JC polyomaviruses, may help shed a new light on these ...
2015-10-20ZeitschriftenartikelHemoparasites in a wild primate: Infection patterns suggest interaction of Plasmodium and Babesia in a lemur species Springer, Andrea; Fichtel, Claudia; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Fabian H.; Kappeler, Peter M.Hemoparasites can cause serious morbidity in humans and animals and often involve wildlife reservoirs. Understanding patterns of hemoparasite infections in natural populations can therefore inform about emerging disease ...
2014-02-11ZeitschriftenartikelHigh prevalence and diversity of species D adenoviruses (HAdV-D) in human populations of four Sub-Saharan countries Pauly, Maude; Hoppe, Eileen; Mugisha, Lawrence; Petrzelkova, Klara; Akoua-Koffi, Chantal; Couacy-Hymann, Emmanuel; Anoh, Augustin Etile; Mossoun, Arsène; Schubert, Grit; Wiersma, Lidewij; Pascale, Sabwe; Muyembe, Jean-Jacques; Karhemere, Stomy; Weiss, Sabrina; Leendertz, Siv Aina; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Fabian; Ehlers, BernhardBackground: Human adenoviruses of species D (HAdV-D) can be associated with acute respiratory illness, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, and gastroenteritis, but subclinical HAdV-D infections with prolonged shedding have ...
2018-06-27ZeitschriftenartikelHuman coronavirus OC43 outbreak in wild chimpanzees, Côte d´Ivoire, 2016 Patrono, Livia V.; Samuni, Liran; Corman, Victor M.; Nourifar, Leila; Röthemeier, Caroline; Wittig, Roman M.; Drosten, Christian; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, Fabian H.
2013-03-13ZeitschriftenartikelIdentification of a Novel Human Polyomavirus in Organs of the Gastrointestinal Tract Korup, Sarah; Rietscher, Janita; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Trusch, Franziska; Hofmann, Jörg; Moens, Ugo; Sauer, Igor; Voigt, Sebastian; Schmuck, Rosa; Ehlers, BernhardPolyomaviruses are small, non-enveloped viruses with a circular double-stranded DNA genome. Using a generic polyomavirus PCR targeting the VP1 major structural protein gene, a novel polyomavirus was initially identified ...
2015-10-01ZeitschriftenartikeliDNA from terrestrial haematophagous leeches as a wildlife surveying and monitoring tool – prospects, pitfalls and avenues to be developed Schnell, Ida Bærholm; Sollmann, Rahel; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Siddall, Mark E.; Yu, Douglas W.; Wilting, Andreas; Gilbert, M. Thomas. P.Invertebrate-derived DNA (iDNA) from terrestrial haematophagous leeches has recently been proposed as a powerful non-invasive tool with which to detect vertebrate species and thus to survey their populations. However, to ...
2014-12-30ZeitschriftenartikelInvestigating the zoonotic origin of the West African Ebola epidemic Saéz, Almudena Marí; Weiss, Sabrina; Nowak, Kathrin; Lapeyre, Vincent; Zimmermann, Fee; Düx, Ariane; Kühl, Hjalmar S.; Kaba, Moussa; Regnaut, Sebastien; Merkel, Kevin; Sachse, Andreas; Thiesen, Ulla; Villányi, Lili; Boesch, Christophe; Dabrowski, Piotr Wojtek; Radonić, Aleksandar; Nitsche, Andreas; Leendertz, Siv Aina J.; Petterson, Stefan; Becker, Stephan; Schaade, Lars; Fahr, Jakob; Gogarten, Jan F.; Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien; Leendertz, FabianThe severe Ebola virus disease epidemic occurring in West Africa stems from a single zoonotic transmission event to a 2‐year‐old boy in Meliandou, Guinea. We investigated the zoonotic origins of the epidemic using wildlife ...