Wastewater-based Surveillance
AMELAG Weekly Report 26.02.2025
Robert Koch-Institut
In the AMELAG project, SARS-CoV-2, influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are monitored in wastewater. Nationwide, 168 wastewater treatment plants were participating by the end of 2024; up to 70 sites are expected to participate in 2025. The data collected will be integrated into this report in the coming weeks. For the calendar week 8 data from 54 WWTPs for SARS-CoV-2, from 51 WWTPs for influenza A virus and influenza B, from 26 WWTPs for RSV A and B and from 22 WWTPs of RSV A/B (joint measurements of RSV A and B) were available. Data from other WWTP are provided continuously.
Recently, a slightly decreasing aggregated SARS-CoV-2 viral load can be observed. Aside from the current week, the values of influenza A and B viruses have increased significantly in the recent two months, with hte values for Influenza not clearly increasing within the last few weeks. The values of RSV have increased significantly in recent weeks, with higher values for RSV B than for RSV A. The development observed over the last few weeks may still change due to late notifications.
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