Strategies to enhance rational use of antibiotics in hospital: a guideline by the German Society for Infectious Diseases
With, K. de; Allerberger, F.; Amann, S.; Apfalter, P.; Brodt, Hans Reinhard; Eckmanns, Tim; Fellhauer, M.; Geiss, H. K.; Janata, O.; Krause, R.; Lemmen, S.; Meyer, Elisabeth; Mittermayer, H.; Porsche, U.; Presterl, E.; Reuter, S.; Sinha, Bhanu; Strauß, R.; Wechsler-Fördös, A.; Wenisch, C.; Kern, Winfried V.
Introduction: In the time of increasing resistance and paucity of new drug development there is a growing need for strategies to enhance rational use of antibiotics in German and Austrian hospitals. An evidence-based ...