Epidemiology of invasive meningococcal disease in Germany, 2002–2010, and impact of vaccination with meningococcal C conjugate vaccine
Hellenbrand, Wiebke
Elias, Johannes
Wichmann, Ole
Dehnert, Manuel
Frosch, Matthias
Vogel, Ulrich
Objectives: To analyse serogroup (Sg)- and finetype-specific invasive meningococcal disease burden (IMD) in Germany, 2002–2010, with emphasis on effects of vaccination with conjugate SgC vaccines targeting one-year old children since 2006, including individual-based catch-up to 17 years of age. Methods: Serogroup- and age-specific IMD incidence and trends were calculated using statutory surveillance data. The national reference laboratory performed genetic finetyping. Vaccination uptake data were obtained from school entry surveys and prescription monitoring. Results: In persons
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