Rational design of HIV vaccine and microbicides: report of the EUROPRISE annual conference
Wahren, Britta; Biswas, Priscilla; Borggren, Marie; Coleman, Adam; Costa, Kelly Da; Haes, Winni De; Dieltjens, Tessa; Dispinseri, Stefania; Grupping, Katrijn; Hallengärd, David; Hornig, Julia; Klein, Katja; Mainetti, Lara; Palma, Paolo; Reudelsterz, Marc; Seifried, Janna; Selhorst, Philippe; Sköld, Annette; Gils, Marit J. van; Weber, Caroline; Shattock, Robin; Scarlatti, Gabriella
EUROPRISE is a Network of Excellence sponsored from 2007 to 2011 by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Program. The Network encompasses a wide portfolio of activities ranging from an integrated research ...