Participation in cancer screening programmes
Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)
Starker, Anne
Saß, Anke-Christine
A growing number of people in Germany participate in the cancer screening services offered by statutory health insurance. Using data from the first wave of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1), current levels of participation in cancer screening services were determined. DEGS1 (2008–2011) permits representative cross-sectional analyses to be performed. In DEGS1, persons who were entitled to different cancer screening services were interviewed on their awareness, participation and regular utilisation of cancer screening for different types of cancer. Overall, 67.2% of women and 40.0% of men participate regularly. Participation rates fluctuate to a great extent for individual types of cancer screening. Women participate in cancer screening more frequently than men do. For women, a better socioeconomic status was associated with higher participation rates. Participation rates improve with increasing age, meaning that the difference in participation rates between women and men becomes smaller. The current analyses present information on specifically targeted population groups to promote informed decision-making about cancer screening, so that participation rates can be improved further. The analyses thus provide an important basis for health policy measures.
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