Artikel in Fachzeitschriften: Neuzugänge
Anzeige der Publikationen 1901-1920 von 5079
2019-05-10ZeitschriftenartikelGenetic variation in metronidazole metabolism and oxidative stress pathways in clinical Giardia lamblia assemblage A and B isolates Purpose: Treatment-refractory Giardia cases have increased rapidly within the last decade. No markers of resistance nor a standardized susceptibility test have been established yet, but several enzymes and their pathways ...
2019-06-10ZeitschriftenartikelHerpes zoster: Wer wie geimpft werden sollte
2019-04-02ZeitschriftenartikelHow to reach ‘hard-to-reach’ older people for research: The TIBaR model of recruitment Recruiting older persons with diverse health statuses as participants in research projects is a challenge for health researchers, particularly because persons with health impairments and in socially disadvantaged living ...
2019-04-02ZeitschriftenartikelEffects of a sequential mixed-mode design on participation, contact and sample composition – Results of the pilot study “IMOA – Improving Health Monitoring in Old Age” Existing health survey data of individuals who are 65+ years of age is limited due to the exclusion of the oldest old and physically or cognitively impaired individuals. This study aimed to assess the effects of a sequential ...
2019-04-02ZeitschriftenartikelIncluding nursing home residents in a general population health survey in Germany Nursing home residents (NHRs) are systematically excluded from the target populations of most population-based health surveys, which may result in biased prevalence estimates. Researchers who wish to include NHRs in surveys ...
2019-09-03ZeitschriftenartikelCorrelates and Determinants of Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adults: a Systematic Review Background Enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is now a well-established predictor of numerous adverse health outcomes. Knowledge about the pathways leading to enhanced CRF is essential for developing appropriate ...
2019-10-09ZeitschriftenartikelListeriose-Ausbruch mit Listeria monocytogenes Sequenz-Cluster-Typ 2521 (Sigma1)in Deutschland Mittels Genomsequenzierung wurde im Jahr 2018 ein Listeriose-Cluster mit dem Listerien-Sequenz-Cluster-Typ 2521 im Konsiliarlabor für Listerien im RKI identifiziert. Es besteht nach IfSG eine Labormeldepflicht für L. ...
2019-10-10ZeitschriftenartikelAlveoläre Echinokokkose: Eine Herausforderung für Diagnostik, Therapie und Klinisches Management Die Echinokokkosen des Menschen sind Zoonosen. Sie entstehen als Folge einer Infektion mit den Larvenstadien der Gattung Echinococcus, bei denen der Mensch als Fehlzwischenwirt fungiert. Für Mitteleuropa bzw. Deutschland ...
2018-06-26ZeitschriftenartikelReplacing the mouse bioassay for diagnostics and potency testing of botulinum neurotoxins – progress and challenges Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are the most potent toxins known and the causative agents of the rare but potentially life-threatening disease botulism. The elaborate mode of action of BoNTs at the molecular level, their ...
2019-10-02ZeitschriftenartikelInformation zum Auftreten von Klebsiella pneumoniae mit OXA-48 und NDM-1 Carbapenemasen und Colistinresistenz in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Das gehäufte Auftreten eines Stammes von Klebsiella pneumoniae mit zweifachem Carbapenemase-Besitz und Colistinresistenz bei Patienten verschiedener medizinischer Einrichtungen im Nordosten Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns hat die ...
2019-09-01ZeitschriftenartikelErster in Deutschland durch Stechmücken übertragener Fall einer West-Nil-Virus-Infektion Das Epidemiologische Bulletin 40/2019 berichtet, dass erstmals eine in Deutschland durch Mücken übertragene Infektion und Erkrankung mit dem West-Nil-Virus (WNV) bekannt geworden ist: Die Person aus Sachsen war an einer ...
2019-07-24ZeitschriftenartikelEstimation of influenza‐ and respiratory syncytial virus‐attributable medically attended acute respiratory infections in Germany, 2010/11‐2017/18 Background The burden of influenza in primary care is difficult to assess, since most patients with symptoms of a respiratory infection are not tested. The case definition of “medically attended acute respiratory infection” ...
2019-06-17ZeitschriftenartikelEvaluation of using ICD‐10 code data for respiratory syncytial virus surveillance Background Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRI) in young children. ICD‐10‐based syndromic surveillance can transmit data rapidly in a standardized ...
2019-06-06ZeitschriftenartikelPartnering for enhanced digital surveillance of influenza‐like disease and the effect of antivirals and vaccines (PEDSIDEA) Background Standardised clinical outcome measures are urgently needed for the surveillance of influenza and influenza‐like illness (ILI) based on individual patient data (IPD). Objectives We report a multicentre prospective ...
2019-04-26ZeitschriftenartikeleDiVA—Classification and prioritization of pathogenic variants for clinical diagnostics Mendelian diseases have shown to be an and efficient model for connecting genotypes to phenotypes and for elucidating the function of genes. Whole‐exome sequencing (WES) accelerated the study of rare Mendelian diseases in ...
2019-08-06ZeitschriftenartikelCell Shape and Antibiotic Resistance Are Maintained by the Activity of Multiple FtsW and RodA Enzymes in Listeria monocytogenes Rod-shaped bacteria have two modes of peptidoglycan synthesis: lateral synthesis and synthesis at the cell division site. These two processes are controlled by two macromolecular protein complexes, the elongasome and ...
2019-08-30ZeitschriftenartikelEffects of preschoolers’ storybook exposure and literacy environments on lower level and higher level language skills The development of preschoolers’ language skills is influenced by literacy environments and individual differences in storybook exposure. Extant research is limited as most studies (a) investigate the effects on lower level ...
2019-07-26ZeitschriftenartikelProficiency Testing of Virus Diagnostics Based on Bioinformatics Analysis of Simulated In Silico High-Throughput Sequencing Data Sets Quality management and independent assessment of high-throughput sequencing-based virus diagnostics have not yet been established as a mandatory approach for ensuring comparable results. The sensitivity and specificity of ...
2019-06-21ZeitschriftenartikelPerceived diabetes risk and related determinants in individuals with high actual diabetes risk: results from a nationwide population-based survey Objective The purpose of this study was first, to examine perceived diabetes risk compared with actual diabetes risk in the general population and second, to investigate which factors determine whether persons at increased ...
2019-06-04ZeitschriftenartikelMaternal Immunization and Antenatal Care Situation Analysis (MIACSA) study protocol: a multiregional, cross-sectional analysis of maternal immunization delivery strategies to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality Introduction Maternal immunization (MI) with tetanus toxoid containing vaccine, is a safe and cost-effective way of preventing neonatal tetanus. Given the prospect of introducing new maternal vaccines in the near ...