Artikel in Fachzeitschriften: Neuzugänge
Anzeige der Publikationen 361-380 von 5051
2021-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelEmergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.620 with variant of concern-like mutations and deletions Distinct SARS-CoV-2 lineages, discovered through various genomic surveillance initiatives, have emerged during the pandemic following unprecedented reductions in worldwide human mobility. We here describe a SARS-CoV-2 ...
2021-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelDose–response functions and surrogate models for exploring social contagion in the Copenhagen Networks Study Spreading dynamics and complex contagion processes on networks are important mechanisms underlying the emergence of critical transitions, tipping points and other non-linear phenomena in complex human and natural systems. ...
2021-10-29ZeitschriftenartikelGesundheitskompetenz und Gesundheitsverhalten im Jugendalter: Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Online-Befragung Jugendlicher Hintergrund Für Deutschland fehlen Informationen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Gesundheitskompetenz und Gesundheitsverhalten Jugendlicher, obwohl in der Stärkung von Gesundheitskompetenz besonders im Jugendalter ein ...
2021-08-16ZeitschriftenartikelFactors associated with testing for HIV and hepatitis C among behaviorally vulnerable men in Germany: a cross-sectional analysis upon enrollment into an observational cohort Background: HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) have shared routes of transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM). Routine testing facilitates early diagnosis and treatment, thereby preventing morbidity and onward ...
2021-09-26ZeitschriftenartikelThe role of weight- and appearance-related discrimination on eating disorder symptoms among adolescents and emerging adults Background: Eating disorder symptoms (EDs) have been discussed as a prominent problem among late adolescent girls with serious health risks and long-term consequences. However, there is a lack of population-based evidence ...
2021-10-19ZeitschriftenartikelDomestic risk factors for increased rodent abundance in a Lassa fever endemic region of rural Upper Guinea Lassa fever (LF) is a viral haemorrhagic fever endemic in West Africa and spread primarily by the multimammate rat, Mastomys natalensis. As there is no vaccine, reduction of rodent-human transmission is essential for disease ...
2021-12-14ZeitschriftenartikelThe economical lifestyle of CPR bacteria in groundwater allows little preference for environmental drivers Background: The highly diverse Cand. Patescibacteria are predicted to have minimal biosynthetic and metabolic pathways, which hinders understanding of how their populations differentiate in response to environmental drivers ...
2021-10-09ZeitschriftenartikelA 40-year evaluation of drivers of African rainforest change Background: Tropical forests are repositories of much of the world’s biodiversity and are critical for mitigation of climate change. Yet, the drivers of forest dynamics are poorly understood. This is in large part due to ...
2021-08-06ZeitschriftenartikelUsing INTEGRATE-HTA for the assessment of videorasterstereography in idiopathic scoliosis Objective. For the assessment of videorasterstereography compared with radiography for monitoring idiopathic scoliosis, new tools given by the INTEGRATE-HTA methodology were included within the frame set by the authority. ...
2020-12-15ZeitschriftenartikelEbola separations: trust, crisis, and ‘social distancing’ in West Africa The Ebola outbreak in West Africa involved the introduction of new forms of social and physical separation that aimed to curtail the spread of the disease. People changed the ways they lived to avoid contact with those who ...
2021-03-16ZeitschriftenartikelErkennen – Bewerten – Handeln: Wie hat der Öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst auf die COVID-19-Pandemie reagiert?
2024-08-08ZeitschriftenartikelBeschluss und Wissenschaftliche Begründung zur Empfehlung der STIKO für eine Standardimpfung gegen Erkrankungen durch Respiratorische Synzytial-Viren (RSV) für Personen ≥ 75 Jahre sowie zur Indikationsimpfung von Personen im Alter von 60 bis 74 Jahren mit Risikofaktoren Die STIKO empfiehlt allen Personen ≥ 75 Jahre eine einmalige Impfung gegen RSV. Außerdem wird Personen im Alter von 60 bis 74 Jahren, die eine schwere Form einer Grunderkrankung haben und/oder die in einer Einrichtung der ...
2024-07-09ZeitschriftenartikelUsing system dynamics to support a functional exercise for pandemic preparedness and response In pandemic preparedness and response, a Functional Exercise (FX) is used to simulate a situation as close to a real-life event as possible without the deployment of resources. Participants are drawn from public health ...
2024-08-01ZeitschriftenartikelBeschluss für die Empfehlung der STIKO zum Wechsel von quadrivalenten zu trivalenten Influenza-Impfstoffen Seit September 2023 empfiehlt die WHO den Wechsel von quadrivalenten zu trivalenten Influenza-Impfstoffen ohne B/Yamagata Linie. Die Verfügbarkeit eines trivalenten lebend-attenuierten Influenza-Impfstoffs (LAIV) in ...
2024-08-01ZeitschriftenartikelErste Oropouche-Fieber-Fälle in Deutschland unter Reiserückkehrenden aus Kuba
2024-08-01ZeitschriftenartikelStellungnahme der STIKO zur Anwendung des 20-valenten Pneumokokken-Konjugatimpfstoffs (PCV20) im Säuglings-, Kindes- und Jugendalter Seit dem 12.3.2024 ist PCV20 in der EU nach einer Empfehlung der EMA zur Grundimmunisierung für Säuglinge ≥ 6 Wochen im 3+1-Schema, zur Impfung von Kleinkindern im Alter von 12 - 23 Monaten im 2-Dosen-Schema sowie von ...
2024-01-25ZeitschriftenartikelEmpfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut 2024 Die Impfempfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) wurden auf der 106. Sitzung der STIKO verabschiedet. Die folgenden Ausführungen ersetzen die im Epidemiologischen Bulletin des RKI 4/2023 veröffentlichten ...
2021-08-27ZeitschriftenartikelA pre-registered short-term forecasting study of COVID-19 in Germany and Poland during the second wave Disease modelling has had considerable policy impact during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and it is increasingly acknowledged that combining multiple models can improve the reliability of outputs. Here we report insights ...
2021-03-05ZeitschriftenartikelNovel Genes Required for Surface-Associated Motility in Acinetobacter baumannii Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic and increasingly multi-drug resistant human pathogen rated as a critical priority one pathogen for the development of new antibiotics by the WHO in 2017. Despite the lack of ...
2021-10-29ZeitschriftenartikelStatus quo of tet regulation in bacteria The tetracycline repressor (TetR) belongs to the most popular, versatile and efficient transcriptional regula- tors used in bacterial genetics. In the tetracycline (Tc) resistance determinant tet(B) of transposon ...