Artikel in Fachzeitschriften: Neuzugänge
Anzeige der Publikationen 2501-2520 von 5078
2018-01-26ZeitschriftenartikelHigh dietary zinc feeding promotes persistence of multi-resistant E. coli in the swine gut High levels of zinc oxide are used frequently as feed additive in pigs to improve gut health and growth performance and are still suggested as an alternative to antimicrobial growth promoters. However, we have recently ...
2018-02-01ZeitschriftenartikelEigenschaften, Häufigkeit und Verbreitung von MRSA in Deutschland Update 2015/2016Zur Erfassung der aktuellen MRSA-Raten für Deutschland existieren verschiedene nationale und internationale Resistenz-Surveillance-Systeme, Resistenz-Surveillance-Studien und weitere Register wie die Meldepflicht von MRSA ...
2017-11-08ZeitschriftenartikelEpidemiologie des CUP-Syndroms in Deutschland Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über Inzidenz‑, Mortalitäts- und Überlebensraten des „cancer of unknown primary“ (CUP) in Deutschland, beruhend auf den Daten der epidemiologischen Krebsregister in Deutschland sowie der ...
2016-05-13ZeitschriftenartikelBacterial contamination of water samples in Gabon, 2013 Contamination of water is a major burden in the public health setting of developing countries. We therefore assessed the quality of water samples in Gabon in 2013. The main findings were a contamination rate with coliforms ...
2017-08-30ZeitschriftenartikelStaphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome Caused by a Rare Variant of Exfoliative-toxin-A+ S. aureus in an Adult Immunocompromised Woman
2017-10-26ZeitschriftenartikelVIM-1 carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from retail seafood, Germany 2016 Carbapenems belong to the group of last resort antibiotics in human medicine. Therefore, the emergence of growing numbers of carbapenemase-producing bacteria in food-producing animals or the environment is worrying and ...
2017-10-09ZeitschriftenartikelAnalysing published global Ebola Virus Disease research using social network analysis Introduction: The 2014/2015 West African Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak attracted global attention. Numerous opinions claimed that the global response was impaired, in part because, the EVD research was neglected, ...
2017-11-09ZeitschriftenartikelSeasonal recurrence of cowpox virus outbreaks in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) Cowpox virus infections in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) with high morbidity and mortality have already been reported in the UK and Russia in the 1970s. However, most of the reported cases have been singular events. ...
2017-10-31ZeitschriftenartikelA large proportion of people who inject drugs are susceptible to hepatitis B: Results from a bio-behavioural study in eight German cities Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) are at high risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection by sharing needles and drug use paraphernalia. In Germany, no routine surveillance of HBV prevalence and vaccination ...
2017-10-24ZeitschriftenartikelComparative Genomic Analysis of Globally Dominant ST131 Clone with Other Epidemiologically Successful Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) Lineages Escherichia coli sequence type 131 (ST131), a pandemic clone responsible for the high incidence of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) infections, has been known widely for its contribution to the worldwide dissemination ...
2016-11-24ZeitschriftenartikelBackground paper to the updated pneumococcal vaccination recommendation for older adults in Germany
2017-11-22ZeitschriftenartikelIntegration of molecular typing results into tuberculosis surveillance in Germany—A pilot study An integrated molecular surveillance for tuberculosis (TB) improves the understanding of ongoing TB transmission by combining molecular typing and epidemiological data. However, the implementation of an integrated molecular ...
2017-11-20ZeitschriftenartikelDevelopment and preliminary evaluation of a multiplexed amplification and next generation sequencing method for viral hemorrhagic fever diagnostics Background: We describe the development and evaluation of a novel method for targeted amplification and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based identification of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) agents and assess the ...
2017-04-25ZeitschriftenartikelInfluenza viruses – antiviral therapy and resistance Influenza is a serious and frequently underestimated, but vaccine preventable disease. The adamantane derivates rimantadine and amantadine and the neuraminidase inhibitors zanamivir and oseltamivir are the only antiviral ...
2017-11-15ZeitschriftenartikelIndigenous house mice dominate small mammal communities in northern Afghan military bases Background: Small mammals are important reservoirs for pathogens in military conflicts and peacekeeping operations all over the world. This study investigates the rodent communities in three military bases in Northern ...
2017-11-14ZeitschriftenartikelMolecular evolution of HIV-1 integrase during the 20 years prior to the first approval of integrase inhibitors Background: Detailed knowledge of the evolutionary potential of polymorphic sites in a viral protein is important for understanding the development of drug resistance in the presence of an inhibitor. We therefore set ...
2017-11-14ZeitschriftenartikelA Role of Sp1 Binding Motifs in Basal and Large T-Antigen-Induced Promoter Activities of Human Polyomavirus HPyV9 and Its Variant UF-1 Human polyomavirus 9 (HPyV9) was originally detected in the serum of a renal transplant patient. Seroepidemiological studies showed that ~20–50% of the human population have antibodies against this virus. HPyV9 has not yet ...
2017-11-24ZeitschriftenartikelAntibiotikaresistenz: Vergleich mit europäischen Daten Die Resistenzsituation in Deutschland ist über die letzten Jahre für viele der Erreger- und Antibiotikakombinationen relativ stabil. Auf europäischer Ebene sind die gramnegativen Erreger weiterhin ein Problem.
2017-11-15ZeitschriftenartikelDevelopment, standardization and testing of a bacterial wound infection model based on ex vivo human skin Current research on wound infections is primarily conducted on animal models, which limits direct transferability of these studies to humans. Some of these limitations can be overcome by using–otherwise discarded—skin from ...
2017-11-24ZeitschriftenartikelThe Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in a population-based sample of Turkish migrants living in Germany Objectives: Data on cognitive testing in migrants in Germany are scarce. We aimed to evaluate the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in Turkish migrants in Berlin and its association with demographics and health-related ...