"Zielgerade" beim RKI-Gesundheitssurvey DEGS
Kurth, Bärbel-Maria
The Robert Koch Institute is currently conducting the "German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS)". Its aim is to provide comprehensive data on the health situation of Germany‘s resident population. The three-year study will be completed in November 2011. One aim of the current article is to review the population‘s willingness to take part during the first two study years: this has improved continuously since the study was launched and is now just under 50%. Analyses conducted up to now suggest that the representativeness of the sample (target: 7,500 participants) can be guaranteed. The extensive laboratory examinations represent an important benefit of taking part in the study for many DEGS participants. Detailed information on the parameters surveyed and the modalities of the analysis is the second thematic focus of the present article. The initial findings of the DEGS study will probably be published in 2013.
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