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Browsing by Author "Takla, Anja"
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2012-11-21ZeitschriftenartikelCarrier prevalence, secondary household transmission and long-term shedding in two districts during the Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak in Germany, 2011 Sin, Muna Abu; Takla, Anja; Flieger, Antje; Prager, Rita; Fruth, Angelika; Tietze, Erhard; Fink, Eckhart; Korte, Jutta; Schink, Susanne; Höhle, Michael; Eckmanns, TimBackground: From May-July 2011, Germany experienced a large Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) O104:H4 outbreak. Our objective was to identify the prevalence of STEC O104:H4 carriers in households in highly affected ...
2015-03-05ZeitschriftenartikelCharacteristics and practices of National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups in Europe and potential for collaboration, April 2014 Takla, Anja; Wichmann, Ole; Carrillo-Santisteve, P.; Cotter, S.; Lévy-Bruhl, D.; Paradowska-Stankiewicz, I.; Valentiner-Branth, P.; D’Ancona, F.; Group, VENICE III NITAG SurveyIn many countries, national vaccination recommendations are developed by independent expert committees, so-called national immunisation technical advisory groups (NITAG). Since the evaluation of vaccines is complex and ...
2015-04-01ZeitschriftenartikelCurrent practices in immunisation policymaking in European countries ECDC TECHNICAL REPORTTakla, Anja; Wichmann, OleThis report describes and summarises the national processes for vaccine policymaking currently implemented in EU/EEA countries, the roles of the so-called national technical advisory groups (NITAGs) in the Member States ...
2013-08-24ZeitschriftenartikelEffekte der Masern-Mumps-Röteln (MMR)-Impfung auf die Epidemiologie von Mumps in Deutschland Koch, Judith; Takla, AnjaMumps ist eine akute virale Infektionskrankheit, die durch eine ein- bzw. beidseitige schmerzhafte Parotisschwellung gekennzeichnet ist. Seit 1976 empfiehlt die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) in der Bundesrepublik die ...
2021-09-17ZeitschriftenartikelEmpfehlung und Begründung der STIKO zur Impfung gegen COVID-19 von Schwangeren und Stillenden Takla, Anja; Matysiak-Klose, Dorothea; Bogdan, Christian; Harder, Thomas; Ledig, Thomas; Neufeind, Julia; Pecks, Ulrich; Schleußner, Ekkehard; van der Sande, Marianne; Röbl-Mathieu, MarianneDie STIKO empfiehlt allen noch ungeimpften Schwangeren ab dem 2. Trimenon und ungeimpften Stillenden die Impfung gegen COVID-19 mit zwei Dosen eines mRNA-Impfstoffs im Abstand von 3 – 6 (Comirnaty) bzw. 4 – 6 Wochen ...
2018-09-14ZeitschriftenartikelEmpfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO): Änderungen und Ergänzungen Koch, Judith; Vygen-Bonnet, Sabine; Assmus, Frauke; Takla, Anja; Wichmann, Ole
2014-05-21ZeitschriftenartikelEvidence-based decision-making in infectious diseases epidemiology, prevention and control: matching research questions to study designs and quality appraisal tools Harder, Thomas; Takla, Anja; Rehfuess, Eva; Sánchez-Vivar, Alex; Matysiak-Klose, Dorothea; Eckmanns, Tim; Krause, Gérard; Gomes, Helena de Carvalho; Jansen, Andreas; Ellis, Simon; Forland, Frode; James, Roberta; Meerpohl, Joerg J.; Morgan, Antony; Schünemann, Holger; Zuiderent-Jerak, Teun; Wichmann, OleBackground: The Project on a Framework for Rating Evidence in Public Health (PRECEPT) was initiated and is being funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to define a methodology for ...
2018-07-23ZeitschriftenartikelHPV-Impfung: Auch Jungen können profitieren Klug, Stefanie J.; Meerpohl, Jörg; Röbl-Mathieu, Marianne; Terhardt, Martin; van der Sande, Marianne A. B.; Zepp, Fred; Takla, Anja; Wiese-Posselt, Miriam; Harder, Thomas; Wichmann, Ole
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelHuman papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination of girls in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study and trends Poethko-Müller, Christina; Buttmann-Schweiger, Nina; Takla, AnjaSince 2007, the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) has recommended that all girls receive vaccinations against the human papillomavirus (HPV) in order to reduce the disease burden of cervical cancer. Persistent ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelImpfung gegen Humane Papillomviren (HPV) von Mädchen in Deutschland – Querschnittergebnisse aus KiGGS Welle 2 und Trends Poethko-Müller, Christina; Buttmann-Schweiger, Nina; Takla, AnjaSeit dem Jahr 2007 empfiehlt die Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) allen Mädchen die Impfung gegen Humane Papillomviren (HPV) mit dem Ziel, die Krankheitslast durch Gebärmutterhalskrebs zu reduzieren. Heilt eine HPV-Infektion ...
2020-09-18ZeitschriftenartikelInvasive haemophilus influenzae infections in Germany after the introduction of routine childhood immunization, 2001–2016 Takla, Anja; Schönfeld, Viktoria; Claus, Heike; Krone, Manuel; an der Heiden, Matthias; Koch, Judith; Vogel, Ulrich; Wichmann, Ole; Lâm, Thiên-TríBackground. Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) serotype b (Hib) vaccination was introduced in Germany in 1990. This study presents a comprehensive overview on the burden of invasive Hi infections for 2001–2016, including serotype ...
2012-08-01ZeitschriftenartikelLack of Evidence for Schmallenberg Virus Infection in Highly Exposed Persons, Germany, 2012 Ducomble, Tanja; Wilking, Hendrik; Stark, Klaus; Takla, Anja; Askar, Mona; Schaade, Lars; Nitsche, Andreas; Kurth, AndreasSchmallenberg virus, a novel orthobunyavirus, is spreading among ruminants, especially sheep, throughout Europe. To determine the risk for human infection, we conducted a survey among shepherds to assess possible ...
2011-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelMeasles outbreak in an asylum-seekers' shelter in Germany: comparison of the implemented with a hypothetical containment strategy Takla, Anja; Barth, A.; Siedler, Anette; Stöcker, Petra; Wichmann, Ole; Deleré, YvonneIn order to contain a measles outbreak in a German asylum-seekers' shelter, serological testing of all residents was performed, followed by selective vaccination of those with negative test results/not tested. In this paper ...
2013-08-15ZeitschriftenartikelMumps epidemiology in Germany 2007-11 Takla, Anja; Wichmann, Ole; Klinc, Christina; Hautmann, H.; Rieck, Thorsten; Koch, JudithIn Germany, mumps has been notifiable until 2013 only in the five Eastern federal states (EFS) of former East Germany. Due to different immunisation policies until 1990 and varying vaccination coverages thereafter, mumps ...
2017-10-05ZeitschriftenartikelPRECEPT: an evidence assessment framework for infectious disease epidemiology, prevention and control Harder, Thomas; Takla, Anja; Eckmanns, Tim; Ellis, Simon; Forland, Frode; James, Roberta; Meerpohl, Joerg J.; Morgan, Antony; Rehfuess, Eva; Schünemann, Holger; Zuiderent-Jerak, Teun; Gomes, Helena de Carvalho; Wichmann, OleDecisions in public health should be based on the best available evidence, reviewed and appraised using a rigorous and transparent methodology. The Project on a Framework for Rating Evidence in Public Health (PRECEPT) ...
2022-05-19ZeitschriftenartikelSchulimpfprogramme als Lösung zur Steigerung der HPV-Impfquoten in Deutschland? Takla, Anja; Schmid-Küpke, Nora; Wichmann, Ole; Rieck, ThorstenEine HPV-Impfung entsprechend der STIKO-Empfehlung kann nachweislich die Entstehung von Zervixkarzinomen verhindern und potenziell ebenfalls die Inzidenzen anderer HPV-bedingter Karzinome reduzieren. In Deutschland lag die ...
2014-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelSurvey of pediatricians in Germany reveals important challenges for possible implementation of meningococcal B vaccination Takla, Anja; Wichmann, Ole; Koch, Judith; Terhardt, Martin; Hellenbrand, WiebkeIncidence of invasive meningococcal disease is low in Germany at 0.5 cases/100,000 inhabitants. Serogroup B (MenB) is most common, causing 70% of cases, with highest incidence in infants (5.9/100,000). In 2013, a MenB ...
2012-07-31ZeitschriftenartikelThe FIFA Women’s World Cup in Germany 2011 – A practical example for tailoring an event-specific enhanced infectious disease surveillance system Takla, Anja; Velasco, Edward; Benzler, JustusBackground: Mass gatherings require a decision from public health authorities on how to monitor infectious diseases during the event. The appropriate level of enhanced surveillance depends on parameters like the scale ...
2015-03-23ZeitschriftenartikelTowards a framework for evaluating and grading evidence in public health Harder, Thomas; Sin, Muna Abu; Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Coignard, Bruno; Gomes, Helena de Carvalho; Duclos, Phillippe; Eckmanns, Tim; Elder, Randy; Ellis, Simon; Forland, Frode; Garner, Paul; James, Roberta; Jansen, Andreas; Krause, Gérard; Lévy-Bruhl, Daniel; Morgan, Antony; Meerpohl, Joerg J.; Norris, Susan; Rehfuess, Eva; Sánchez-Vivar, Alex; Schünemann, Holger; Takla, Anja; Wichmann, Ole; Zingg, Walter; Zuiderent-Jerak, TeunThe Project on a Framework for Rating Evidence in Public Health (PRECEPT) is an international collaboration of public health institutes and universities which has been funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention ...
2022-02-17ZeitschriftenartikelWissenschaftliche Begründung der STIKO zur Grundimmunisierung von Personen ≥ 18 Jahre mit dem COVID-19-Impfstoff Nuvaxovid von Novavax Matysiak-Klose, Dorothea; Takla, Anja; Schlaberg, Johanna; Piechotta, Vanessa; Schmid-Küpke, Nora; Neufeind, Julia; Harder, Thomas; Vygen-Bonnet, Sabine; Koch, Judith; Bogdan, Christian; Burchard, Gerd; Garbe, Edeltraut; Heininger, Ulrich; Hummers, Eva; von Kries, Rüdiger; Ledig, Thomas; Littmann, Martina; Meerpohl, Joerg; Mertens, Thomas; Meyer, Heidi; Röbl-Mathieu, Marianne; van der Sande, Marianne; Terhardt, Martin; Überla, Klaus; Wichmann, Ole; Wicker, Sabine; Wiedermann-Schmidt, Ursula; Widders, Gudrun; Zepp, FredNuvaxovid, ein adjuvantierter Proteinimpfstoff der Firma Novavax, ist seit dem 20.12.2021 in der EU für die Grundimmunisierung gegen COVID-19 zugelassen. Die Verfügbarkeit dieses Impfstoffs ist für Ende Februar 2022 ...