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Browsing by Author "Zeisler, Marie-Luise"
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2018-09-19ZeitschriftenartikelAd hoc surveys at the Robert Koch Institute Schmich, Patrick; Lemcke, Johannes; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Müller, Anja; Allen, Jennifer; Wetzstein, MatthiasThe Robert Koch Institute (RKI) regularly conducts nationally representative cross-sectional studies (KiGGS, DEGS and GEDA) as part of the nationwide health monitoring system. In addition to these health surveys, data is ...
2018-09-19ZeitschriftenartikelAd-hoc-Studien im Robert Koch-Institut Schmich, Patrick; Lemcke, Johannes; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Müller, Anja; Allen, Jennifer; Wetzstein, MatthiasDas Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) führt in regelmäßigen Abständen bevölkerungsrepräsentative Gesundheitsstudien (KiGGS, DEGS, GEDA) im Rahmen des bundesweiten Gesundheitsmonitorings durch. Zusätzlich zu diesen Gesundheitsstudien ...
2018-06-14ZeitschriftenartikelErste Ergebnisse der Studie „Krankheitswissen und Informationsbedarfe – Diabetes mellitus (2017)“ Paprott, Rebecca; Heidemann, Christin; Stühmann, Laura M.; Baumert, Jens; Du, Yong; Hansen, Sylvia; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Lemcke, Johannes; Beyhl, Silke; Kuhnert, Ronny; Schmidt, Christian; Gabrys, Lars; Teti, Andrea; Ziese, Thomas; Schmich, Patrick; Gellert, Paul; Zahn, Daniela; Scheidt-Nave, ChristaBislang ist wenig dazu bekannt, was Menschen in Deutschland zum Thema Diabetes wissen, welche Informationen sie sich wünschen, wo sie Informationen suchen und wie sie vorhandene Informationen einschätzen. Das Robert ...
2018-06-20ZeitschriftenartikelFirst results from the study ‘Disease knowledge and information needs - Diabetes mellitus (2017)’ Paprott, Rebecca; Heidemann, Christin; Stühmann, Lena M.; Baumert, Jens; Du, Yong; Hansen, Sylvia; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Lemcke, Johannes; Beyhl, Silke; Kuhnert, Ronny; Schmidt, Christian; Gabrys, Lars; Teti, Andrea; Ziese, Thomas; Schmich, Patrick; Gellert, Paul; Zahn, Daniela; Scheidt-Nave, ChristaVery little research has been undertaken into what people in Germany know about diabetes, the information they may require about the condition, where they look for such information and how they rate the information ...
2023-04-12ZeitschriftenartikelGerman Health Update Fokus (GEDA Fokus) among Residents with Croatian, Italian, Polish, Syrian, or Turkish Citizenship in Germany: Protocol for a Multilingual Mixed-Mode Interview Survey Koschollek, Carmen; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Houben, Robin A.; Geerlings, Julia; Kajikhina, Katja; Bug, Marleen; Blume, Miriam; Hoffmann, Robert; Hintze, Marcel; Gößwald, Antje; Kuhnert, Ronny; Patrick, Schmich; Hövener, ClaudiaBackground: Germany has a long history of migration. In 2020, more than 1 person in every 4 people had a statistically defined, so-called migration background in Germany, meaning that the person or at least one of their ...
2024-02-28ZeitschriftenartikelImproving Health Monitoring in Migrant Populations (IMIRA) - Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Informationsgrundlagen zur Gesundheit von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund Bartig, Susanne; Bilgic, Leman; Borgmann, Lea-Sophie; Bug, Marleen; Christen, Susanna; Geerlings, Julia; Gößwald, Antje; Hoebel, Jens; Hövener, Claudia; Kajikhina, Katja; Koschollek, Carmen; Polizzi, Antonino; Pöplow do Rego, Ute; Sarma, Navina; von Schenck, Ursula; Schmich, Patrick; Schumann, Maria; Waldauer, Julia; Wengler, Annelene; Zeisler, Marie-Luise
2020-04-04ZeitschriftenartikelInterventions to Increase the Reachability of Migrants in Germany With Health Interview Surveys: Mixed-Mode Feasibility Study Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Bilgic, Leman; Schumann, Maria; Wengler, Annelene; Lemcke, Johannes; Gößwald, Antje; Lampert, Thomas; Santos-Hövener, Claudia; Schmich, PatrickBackground: Germany is a popular destination for immigrants, and migration has increased in recent years. It is therefore important to collect reliable data on migrants’ health. The Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany, ...
2020-02-28ZeitschriftenartikelPopulation-based food consumption survey as an additional tool for foodborne outbreak investigations, Germany, 2017 Rosner, Bettina M.; Meinen, Anika; Schmich, Patrick; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Stark, KlausWe conducted a food consumption survey in the general adult population of 18 years and older in Germany to obtain data on the frequency of consumption of food items that caused foodborne disease outbreaks in the past. A ...
2021-03-10ZeitschriftenartikelPrävalenz von Rücken- und Nackenschmerzen in Deutschland. Ergebnisse der Krankheitslast-Studie BURDEN 2020 von der Lippe, Elena; Krause, Laura; Prost, Michael; Wengler, Annelene; Leddin, Janko; Müller, Anja; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Anton, Aline; Rommel, Alexander; BURDEN 2020 study groupRücken- und Nackenschmerzen sind in der Bevölkerung weit verbreitet und können die Lebensqualität bei einem Teil der Betroffenen deutlich mindern. Zum Zweck einer validen Schätzung der Prävalenzen von Rücken- und ...
2021-03-10ZeitschriftenartikelPrevalence of back and neck pain in Germany. Results from the BURDEN 2020 Burden of Disease Study von der Lippe, Elena; Krause, Laura; Porst, Michael; Wengler, Annelene; Leddin, Janko; Müller, Anja; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Anton, Aline; Rommel, AlexanderBack and neck pain are widespread and can significantly reduce quality of life. A cross-sectional telephone survey (N=5,009) was carried out between October 2019 and March 2020 to gain a valid estimate of the prevalence ...
2022-01-12ZeitschriftenartikelResults and Strategies for a Diversity-Oriented Public Health Monitoring in Germany Koschollek, Carmen; Kajikhina, Katja; Bartig, Susanne; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Schmich, Patrick; Gößwald, Antje; Rommel, Alexander; Ziese, Thomas; Hövener, ClaudiaGermany is a country of immigration; 27% of the population are people with a migration background (PMB). As other countries, Germany faces difficulties in adequately including hard-to-survey populations like PMB into ...
2021-12-13ZeitschriftenartikelSARS-CoV-2 Transmissibility Within Day Care Centers—Study Protocol of a Prospective Analysis of Outbreaks in Germany Schienkiewitz, Anja; Jordan, Susanne; Hornbacher, Anselm; Perlitz, Hanna; Zeisler, Marie-Luise; Sandoni, Anna; Kubisch, Ulrike; Wess, Barbara; Kuttig, Tim; Schaffrath-Rosario, Angelika; Damerow, Stefan; Rattay, Petra; Varnaccia, Gianni; Loer, Anne-Kathrin M.; Wormsbächer, Jan; Cohrdes, Carolin; Wetzstein, Matthias; Albrecht, Stefan; Hey, Isabell; Michel, Janine; Schrick, Livia; Gößwald, Antje; Allen, Jennifer; Schlaud, Martin; Busch, Markus A.; Butschalowsky, Hans; Wernitz, Jörg; im Kampe, Eveline Otte; Buchholz, Udo; Haas, Walter; Schaade, Lars; Wieler, Lothar H.; Ziese, Thomas; Lampert, Thomas; Loss, JulikaIntroduction: Until today, the role of children in the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 and the development of the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be dynamic and is not finally resolved. The primary aim of this study is to ...