Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 2638-2657 of 5060
2023-06-14ZeitschriftenartikelInzidenz, Prävalenz und Versorgung von Typ-1-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Zeittrends und sozialräumliche Lage Hintergrund: Zeitliche Trends und mögliche sozialräumliche Ungleichheiten hinsichtlich der Häufigkeit und Versorgung von Typ-1-Diabetes mellitus (T1D) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sind für die Planung von zielgerechten ...
2012-12-04ZeitschriftenartikeliPiG: Integrating Peptide Spectrum Matches into Genome Browser Visualizations Proteogenomic approaches have gained increasing popularity, however it is still difficult to integrate mass spectrometry identifications with genomic data due to differing data formats. To address this difficulty, we ...
2015-02-26ZeitschriftenartikelIPred - integrating ab initio and evidence based gene predictions to improve prediction accuracy Background: Gene prediction is a challenging but crucial part in most genome analysis pipelines. Various methods have evolved that predict genes ab initio on reference sequences or evidence based with the help of ...
2011-03-31ZeitschriftenartikelIS element IS16 as a molecular screening tool to identify hospital-associated strains of Enterococcus faecium Background: Hospital strains of Enterococcus faecium could be characterized and typed by various molecular methods (MLST, AFLP, MLVA) and allocated to a distinct clonal complex known as MLST CC17. However, these techniques ...
2011-03-01ZeitschriftenartikelIs low birth weight in the causal pathway of the association between maternal smoking in pregnancy and higher BMI in the offspring? A number of cross-sectional and prospective studies suggested a priming effect of maternal smoking in pregnancy on offspring’s obesity. It has been hypothesized that this association might be explained by low birth weight ...
2017-04-11ZeitschriftenartikelIs the impact of childhood influenza vaccination less than expected: a transmission modelling study Background: To reduce the burden of severe influenza, most industrialized countries target specific risk-groups with influenza vaccines, e.g. the elderly or individuals with comorbidities. Since children are the main ...
2022-06ZeitschriftenartikelIs the World Health Organization Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy applicable and effective at the primary care level in resource-limited settings? A quantitative assessment in healthcare centers of Faranah, Guinea Background The World Health Organization Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy aims at reducing healthcare-associated infections; however, evidence of applicability and effectiveness at the primary care level is ...
2018-05-09ZeitschriftenartikelIs there a duty to participate in digital epidemiology? This paper poses the question of whether people have a duty to participate in digital epidemiology. While an implied duty to participate has been argued for in relation to biomedical research in general, digital epidemiology ...
2014-07-30ZeitschriftenartikelIs there a risk of prion-like disease transmission by Alzheimer- or Parkinson-associated protein particles? The misfolding and aggregation of endogenous proteins in the central nervous system is a neuropathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), as well as prion diseases. A molecular mechanism ...
2019-12-17ZeitschriftenartikelIS26-Mediated Transfer of blaNDM–1 as the Main Route of Resistance Transmission During a Polyclonal, Multispecies Outbreak in a German Hospital One of the most demanding challenges in infection control is the worldwide dissemination of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria in clinical settings. Especially the increasing prevalence of carbapenemase producing Gram-negative ...
2012-08-14ZeitschriftenartikelIsolation and characterization of three Mammalian orthoreoviruses from European bats. In recent years novel human respiratory disease agents have been described in South East Asia and Australia. The causative pathogens were classified as pteropine orthoreoviruses with strong phylogenetic relationship to ...
2015-02-06ZeitschriftenartikelIsolation and Functional Characterization of the Novel Clostridium botulinum Neurotoxin A8 Subtype Botulism is a severe neurological disease caused by the complex family of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT). Based on the different serotypes known today, a classification of serotype variants termed subtypes has been proposed ...
1998-10-01ZeitschriftenartikelIsolierung und Charakterisierung von Shigatoxin-produzierendenE. coli-Stämmen aus Stuhlproben: Ergebnisse einer Sentinel-Studie Zur Erfassung der Häufigkeit und des Typenspektrums von Shigatoxin-produzierendenE. coli-Stämmen (EHEC-Bakterien) sowie zur Evaluierung der Praktikabilität, Spezifität und Sensitivität eines Verfahrens zur Diagnostik von ...
2019-03-21ZeitschriftenartikelIsoniazid (INH) mono-resistance and tuberculosis (TB) treatment success: analysis of European surveillance data, 2002 to 2014 Introduction: Isoniazid (INH) is an essential drug for tuberculosis (TB) treatment. Resistance to INH may increase the likelihood of negative treatment outcome. Aim: We aimed to determine the impact of INH mono-resistance ...
2010-05-04ZeitschriftenartikelIsotopologue Profiling of Legionella pneumophila Role of Serine and Glucose as Carbon SubstratesLegionella pneumophila (Lp) is commonly found in freshwater habitats but is also the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease when infecting humans. Although various virulence factors have been reported, little is known ...
2008-07-01ZeitschriftenartikelIst die Verbreitung methicillinresistenter S. aureus (MRSA) bei Mastschweinen für den Menschen von Bedeutung? Methicillinresistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) sind in der Humanmedizin für nosokomiale Infektionen verantwortlich. In Schweinemastanlagen sind MRSA als nasale Besiedler bei Schweinen verbreitet. Fälle von ...
2018-09-20ZeitschriftenartikelIst die Wirksamkeit von alkoholischen Händedesinfektionsmitteln bei Enterokokken wirklich in Gefahr? Im August 2018 sorgte eine in Science Translational Medicine publizierte Studie von Pidot et al. für ein erhebliches Medienecho. Die Autoren untersuchten die Alkoholtoleranz bei Enterokokken, insbesondere bei den klinisch ...
2022-02-02ZeitschriftenartikelItem Nonresponse in Web Versus Other Survey Modes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Nonresponse is a fundamental issue in survey research, due to the trend of declining response rates across survey modes. This issue is particularly serious for web surveys: A recent meta-analysis found that unit nonresponse ...
2021-04-27ZeitschriftenartikelITN—VIROINF: Understanding (Harmful) Virus-Host Interactions by Linking Virology and Bioinformatics Many recent studies highlight the fundamental importance of viruses. Besides their important role as human and animal pathogens, their beneficial, commensal or harmful functions are poorly understood. By developing and ...
2010-07-27ZeitschriftenartikelJodmangel im Säuglingsalter - ein Risiko für die kognitive Entwicklung Iodine deficiency in infancy - a risk for cognitive developmentDass ein schwerer Jodmangel während der Schwangerschaft die Gehirnentwicklung des Embryos und Feten gravierend beeinflusst und in extremen Fällen Kretinismus droht, ist bekannt. Neuere Studien belegen, dass sich bereits ...