Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 611-630 of 5060
2009-12-21ZeitschriftenartikelBreaking the waves: modelling the potential impact of Public Health measures to defer the epidemic peak of novel influenza A/H1N1 Background: On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization declared phase 6 of the novel influenza A/H1N1 pandemic. Although by the end of September 2009, the novel virus had been reported from all continents, the impact ...
2009-11-30ZeitschriftenartikelBreakthrough zygomycosis on posaconazole prophylaxis after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Antifungal prophylaxis with posaconazole (POS) has been shown to decrease the mortality associated with invasive fungal infections in high-risk patients. We report on a patient, with severe graft-versus-host disease after ...
2019-11-01ZeitschriftenartikelBreast cancer incidence and mortality before and after implementation of the German mammography screening program Effective population‐based mammography screening should impact breast cancer (BC) incidence, age and stage‐specific incidence and BC mortality. We aim to investigate such effects in a time period of 10 years after ...
2014-05-01ZeitschriftenartikelBreast-feeding and maternal risk of type 2 diabetes: a prospective study and meta-analysis Aims/hypothesis: We aimed to examine the association between breast-feeding and maternal risk of type 2 diabetes and to investigate whether this association is mediated by anthropometric and biochemical factors. Methods: ...
2016-12-14ZeitschriftenartikelBreastfeeding monitoring in Germany - What contribution can the data from KiGGS provide? A continuous breastfeeding monitoring is essential as it enables reports on changes in breastfeeding behaviour. The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), which is conducted ...
2016-09-16ZeitschriftenartikelBrincidofovir clearance of acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus-1 and adenovirus infection after stem cell transplantation Infections with adenovirus (AdV) and herpesviruses can result in considerable morbidity and mortality in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant (SCT) recipients. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) reactivations are usually ...
2018-10-22ZeitschriftenartikelBringing together what belongs together: Optimizing murine infection models by using mouse-adapted Staphylococcus aureus strains Staphylococcus (S.) aureus is a leading cause of bacterial infection world-wide, and currently no vaccine is available for humans. Vaccine development relies heavily on clinically relevant infection models. However, the ...
2021-01-17ZeitschriftenartikelBromelain inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection via targeting ACE-2, TMPRSS2, and spike protein The new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, transmits rapidly from human-to-human resulting in the ongoing pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 infects angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) expressing lung, heart, kidney, intestine, gall bladder, ...
1997-02-01ZeitschriftenartikelBrucellose-Erkrankungen in Deutschland
2016-08-04ZeitschriftenartikelBrucellosis in a refugee who migrated from Syria to Germany and lessons learnt, 2016 A teenage woman migrating from Syria arrived in May 2015 in Germany. She gave birth to a healthy child in early 2016, but became febrile shortly after delivery. Blood cultures revealed Brucella melitensis. In retrospect, ...
2013-06-01ZeitschriftenartikelBSE-associated Prion-Amyloid Cardiomyopathy in Primates Prion amyloidosis occurred in the heart of 1 of 3 macaques intraperitoneally inoculated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy prions. This macaque had a remarkably long duration of disease and signs of cardiac distress. ...
2021-04-20ZeitschriftenartikelBugs That Can Resist Antibiotics but Not Men: Gender-Specific Differences in Notified Infections and Colonisations in Germany, 2010–2019 Data from surveillance networks show that men have a higher incidence rate of infections with anti-microbial-resistant (AMR) pathogens than women. We systematically analysed data of infections and colonisations with AMR ...
2024-07-04ZeitschriftenartikelBundeslandübergreifender Leptospirose-Ausbruch in Zusammenhang mit der Haltung von Farbratten Leptospirose tritt in Deutschland gewöhnlich als sporadische Erkrankung auf. Insbesondere Nagetiere wie z. B. Ratten sind ein wichtiges Reservoir des Erregers und durch Kontakt von kleinen Hautläsionen und Schleimhäuten ...
2023-09-14ZeitschriftenartikelBundeslandübergreifender Hepatitis-A-Genotyp-IB-Ausbruch im Zusammenhang mit dem Verzehr von Tiefkühl- Erdbeeren, Deutschland, 2021–2023 Im Januar 2022 wurde das RKI vom Konsiliarlabor für Hepatitis-A-Viren (HAV) erstmals über acht Fälle mit identischer HAV-Genotyp-IB-Sequenz aus zwei Bundesländern informiert. Bei fehlender Reiseanamnese der Primärfälle und ...
2018-08-06ZeitschriftenartikelBURDEN 2020—Burden of disease in Germany at the national and regional level Background Evidence-based policy measures need non-interest-guided information about the health status of a population and the diseases that affect the population the most. In such cases, a national burden of disease study ...
2021-03-05ZeitschriftenartikelBurden of Disease Methods: A Guide to Calculate COVID-19 Disability-Adjusted Life Years Background To date, most efforts to understand the comparative population health impact of COVID-19 have been made using mortality-based metrics [1,2]. This has intensified discussion over methodological choices; in ...
2022-06-03ZeitschriftenartikelBurden of Disease of COVID-19: Strengthening the Collaboration for National Studies Objectives: Quantifying the combined impact of morbidity and mortality is a key enabler to assessing the impact of COVID-19 across countries and within countries relative to other diseases, regions, or demographics. ...
2022-01-07ZeitschriftenartikelBurden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe: a systematic review of data sources and methodological choices Background: Assessment of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) resulting from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) requires specific calculation methods and input data. The aims of this study were to (i) identify existing ...
2016-10-18ZeitschriftenartikelBurden of Six Healthcare-Associated Infections on European Population Health: Estimating Incidence-Based Disability-Adjusted Life Years through a Population Prevalence-Based Modelling Study Background: Estimating the burden of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) compared to other communicable diseases is an ongoing challenge given the need for good quality data on the incidence of these infections and ...
2021-04-29ZeitschriftenartikelBurkholderia pseudomallei multi-centre study to establish EUCAST MIC and zone diameter distributions and epidemiological cut-off values Objectives Melioidosis, caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, requires intensive antimicrobial treatment. However, standardized antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) methodology based on modern principles for ...