Artikel in Fachzeitschriften: Recent submissions
Now showing items 2301-2320 of 5078
2018-06-27ZeitschriftenartikelHuman coronavirus OC43 outbreak in wild chimpanzees, Côte d´Ivoire, 2016
2018-06-12ZeitschriftenartikelHigh genomic diversity of multi-drug resistant wastewater Escherichia coli Wastewater treatment plants play an important role in the emergence of antibiotic resistance. They provide a hot spot for exchange of resistance within and between species. Here, we analyse and quantify the genomic diversity ...
2018-05-18ZeitschriftenartikelEasy and accurate reconstruction of whole HIV genomes from short-read sequence data with shiver Studying the evolution of viruses and their molecular epidemiology relies on accurate viral sequence data, so that small differences between similar viruses can be meaningfully interpreted. Despite its higher throughput ...
2018-05-02ZeitschriftenartikelIntegration von Sekundärdaten in die Nationale Diabetes-Surveillance Hintergrund, Ziele und Ergebnisse des Sekundärdaten-Workshops am Robert Koch-InstitutEpidemiologische Daten belegen, dass Diabetes mellitus in Deutschland wie in vielen anderen Ländern eine hohe Public-health-Relevanz hat. Am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) wird derzeit eine Nationale Diabetes-Surveillance ...
2018-08-24ZeitschriftenartikelEvaluation of the statutory surveillance system for invasive MRSA infections in Germany, 2016–2017 Background: Mandatory notification of invasive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections was introduced for laboratories in Germany in 2009. The aims were to support local health authorities (LHAs) in ...
2018-08-23ZeitschriftenartikelEmpfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut – 2018/2019 Die Impfempfehlungen der STIKO wurden auf der 88. bis 90. Sitzung der STIKO verabschiedet. Die folgenden Ausführungen ersetzen die im Epidemiologischen Bulletin des RKI (Epid. Bull.) 34/2017 veröffentlichten Impfempfehlungen. ...
2018-09-13ZeitschriftenartikelEine deutschlandweite Befragung zur Organisation von regionalen Netzwerktreffen Eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit in regionalen MRE-Netzwerken (MRE – multiresistente Erreger) beruht unter anderem auf dem aktiven Austausch der Netzwerkakteure in regelmäßig stattfindenden Treffen. Mit einer ...
2018-05-23ZeitschriftenartikelHDV infection rates in northern Vietnam Hepatitis D caused by the hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a serious health problem in many regions of the world. A total of 546 HBV-infected patients were enrolled from 2013 to 2015 and classified clinically into the subgroups ...
2018-06-05ZeitschriftenartikelCarbapenem non-susceptibility of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in hospitals from 2011 to 2016, data from the German Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (ARS) Background: Carbapenem resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae is of significant public health concern and recently spread across several countries. We investigated the extent of carbapenem non-susceptibility in K. pneumoniae ...
2018-07-12ZeitschriftenartikelAbsence of IL-10 production by human PBMCs co-cultivated with human cells expressing or secreting retroviral immunosuppressive domains Immunosuppression by retroviruses including the human immunodeficiency virus—1 (HIV-1) is well known, however the mechanisms how retroviruses induce this immunosuppression is not fully investigated. It was shown that ...
2018-07-10ZeitschriftenartikelDo adolescents understand the items of the European Health Literacy Survey Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47) – German version? Findings from cognitive interviews of the project “Measurement of Health Literacy Among Adolescents” (MOHLAA) in Germany Background: In Germany, there are no measurement tools to assess the general health literacy of adolescents. The aim of the study “Measurement of Health Literacy Among Adolescents” (MOHLAA) is to develop such a tool for ...
2018-05-09ZeitschriftenartikelIs there a duty to participate in digital epidemiology? This paper poses the question of whether people have a duty to participate in digital epidemiology. While an implied duty to participate has been argued for in relation to biomedical research in general, digital epidemiology ...
2018-05-10ZeitschriftenartikelDraft Genome Sequences of Plant-Associated Bacillus Strains Isolated from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Here, we report the draft genome sequences of 45 plant-associated Bacillus strains isolated from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. According to their genome sequences, 28 isolates were assigned to 10 Bacillus species. Seventeen ...
2018-05-02ZeitschriftenartikelA lipid-binding loop of botulinum neurotoxin serotypes B, DC and G is an essential feature to confer their exquisite potency The exceptional toxicity of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) is mediated by high avidity binding to complex polysialogangliosides and intraluminal segments of synaptic vesicle proteins embedded in the presynaptic membrane. ...
2018-05-15ZeitschriftenartikelImmunity levels to poliovirus in Lao children and adults before the vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreak: A retrospective study In 2015, several provinces in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) experienced a vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreak. This survey was conducted (i) to evaluate the vaccination coverage in different settings and cohorts ...
2018-05-02ZeitschriftenartikelGenome-based analysis of Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from German hospital patients, 2008-2014 Background By using whole genome sequence data we aimed at describing a population snapshot of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae isolated from hospitalized patients in Germany between 2008 and 2014. Methods We ...
2018-04-19ZeitschriftenartikelOptimisation of quantitative miRNA panels to consolidate the diagnostic surveillance of HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma Background: Circulating microRNAs (miRNA) are biomarkers for several neoplastic diseases, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We performed a literature search, followed by experimental screening and validation in ...
2018-02-24ZeitschriftenartikelThe use of high-throughput sequencing to investigate an outbreak of glycopeptide-resistant Enterococcus faecium with a novel quinupristin-dalfopristin resistance mechanism High-throughput sequencing (HTS) has successfully identified novel resistance genes in enterococci and determined clonal relatedness in outbreak analysis. We report the use of HTS to investigate two concurrent outbreaks ...
2017-09-22ZeitschriftenartikelWild rodents and shrews are natural hosts of Staphylococcus aureus Laboratory mice are the most commonly used animal model for Staphylococcus aureus infection studies. We have previously shown that laboratory mice from global vendors are frequently colonized with S. aureus. Laboratory ...
2018-01-24ZeitschriftenartikelComparative analysis of Salivette® and paraffin gum preparations for establishment of a metaproteomics analysis pipeline for stimulated human saliva The value of saliva as a diagnostic tool can be increased by taxonomic and functional analyses of the microbiota as recently demonstrated. In this proof-of-principle study, we compare two collection methods (Salivette® ...