Barriers for women aged 50 years and older to accessing
health care in Germany
Krause, Laura
Prütz, Franziska
Dini, Lorena
For older and very old women in rural areas, the long distances involved and the limited availability of services can make
accessing general practitioners and specialist physicians difficult. Based on data from the recent wave of the German
Health Update (GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS), we have analysed the barriers to accessing health care for women in the age
group 50 years and older in Germany. 21.0% of the women reported having had difficulties getting an appointment for
an examination when it was needed during the twelve-month period before the interview. Fewer than 5% of the women
reported distance as the reason for delayed medical examinations. Over the course of a one-year period, women in the
large cities more frequently had to wait for an appointment for an examination than women in smaller towns. However,
women in smaller towns reported more often that an examination had taken place late due to distance. The results are informative for the planning of health care services.
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