Health reporting on people with a migration background –
Selection and definition of (core) indicators
Bartig, Susanne
Rommel, Alexander
Wengler, Annelene
Santos-Hövener, Claudia
Lampert, Thomas
Ziese, Thomas
As part of the project Improving Health Monitoring in Migrant Populations (IMIRA), a (core) set of indicators was developed
to describe the health of people with a migration background. This work was underpinned by research into and assessment
of relevant data sources in the field of migration and health.
Initially, four fields of action were identified together with a number of associated topics and potential indicators for each
of the area’s individual topics. The choice of core indicators was based on (1) a systematic comparison of widely accepted
indicator systems, (2) an assessment of public health relevance, (3) comprehensibility and (4) informative value, as well
as (5) the availability of (largely) representative data that could properly account for the diversity of the migrant population.
The (core) indicator set was finalised using an internal and external indicator development process that involved an
interdisciplinary expert panel. This resulted in the selection of 25 core indicators; 41 additional indicators were documented
as part of an ‘extended’ indicator set. The (core) set of indicators is to be continually developed in line with the work
being undertaken to improve the integration of people with a migration background in the health monitoring conducted
at the Robert Koch Institute. In the future, the indicator set is to be incorporated into an overall concept to regular,
migration-related health reporting.
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