Artikel in Fachzeitschriften: Neuzugänge
Anzeige der Publikationen 2181-2200 von 5078
2019-03-07ZeitschriftenartikelTag des Gesundheitsamtes – Der Öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst im Wandel Mit dem Tag des Gesundheitsamtes am 19. März soll in diesem Jahr erstmalig der kommunale Öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst (ÖGD) gewürdigt werden, der national und international eine wichtige und viel zu wenig beachtete Säule ...
2019-03-07ZeitschriftenartikelAm 19. März 2019 erstmals Tag des Gesundheitsamtes Auf Vorschlag des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI) wird in diesem Jahr am 19. März erstmals ein "Tag des Gesundheitsamtes" begangen. Einen solchen Local Health Authority Day gibt es bisher auch auf internationaler Ebene nicht. ...
2019-01-28ZeitschriftenartikelSerum vitamin D levels in Berliners of Turkish descent –a cross-sectional study Background Vitamin D levels may differ between migrant and non-migrant populations, especially among non-western immigrants living in a country with limited sun exposure such as Germany. This study examined serum vitamin ...
2019-01-31ZeitschriftenartikelMolecular Evolution of Human Adenovirus (HAdV) Species C Currently, 88 different Human Adenovirus (HAdV) types are grouped into seven HAdV species A to G. Most types (57) belong to species HAdV-D. Recombination between capsid genes (hexon, penton and fiber) is the main factor ...
2019-01-24ZeitschriftenartikelNTCP S267F variant associates with decreased susceptibility to HBV and HDV infection and decelerated progression of related liver diseases Objectives To determine potential associations of the rs2296651 variant (c.800C > T, S267F) of NTCP with HBV and HBV plus concomitant HDV infection as well as with the progression of related liver diseases. Methods The ...
2018-12-24ZeitschriftenartikelEvidence of high exposure to Toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging and captive African carnivores Toxoplasma gondii is an ubiquitous intracellular protozoan parasite. Mammals and birds are intermediate hosts and felid species are definitive hosts. In most human altered habitats the domestic cat is the predominant ...
2019-01-31ZeitschriftenartikelMalaria in Eritrean migrants newly arrived in seven European countries, 2011 to 2016 Global migration has resulted in a large number of asylum applications in Europe. In 2014, clusters of Plasmodium vivax cases were reported among newly arrived Eritreans. This study aimed to assess malaria among Eritrean ...
2019-02-08ZeitschriftenartikelIndividual and area-level determinants associated with C-reactive protein as a marker of cardiometabolic risk among adults: Results from the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 2008-2011 Background High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is a sensitive biomarker of systemic inflammation and is related to the development and progression of cardiometabolic diseases. Beyond individual-level determinants, ...
2019-01-31ZeitschriftenartikelLaboratory management of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus infections: perspectives from two European networks Background Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is considered an emerging infectious disease threat in the European Union. Since 2000, the incidence and geographic range of confirmed CCHF cases have markedly ...
2018-10-03ZeitschriftenartikelESBL-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Broiler Production Chain and the First Description of ST3128 ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) represent an increasing problem both in human and veterinary medicine. As SHV-2 - encoding K. pneumoniae were recently detected in the broiler production we were interested ...
2018-10-06ZeitschriftenartikelWhole Genome Characterization of Orthopoxvirus (OPV) Abatino, a Zoonotic Virus Representing a Putative Novel Clade of Old World Orthopoxviruses Orthopoxviruses (OPVs) are diffused over the complete Eurasian continent, but previously described strains are mostly from northern Europe, and few infections have been reported from Italy. Here we present the extended ...
2018-08-23ZeitschriftenartikelEmpfehlungen der Ständigen Impfkommission (STIKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut – 2018/2019 Die Impfempfehlungen der STIKO wurden auf der 88. bis 90. Sitzung der STIKO verabschiedet. Die folgenden Ausführungen ersetzen die im Epidemiologischen Bulletin des RKI (Epid. Bull.) 34/2017 veröffentlichten Impfempfehlungen. ...
2019-02-26ZeitschriftenartikelEUCAST-Neudefinition der Kategorie „I“ – zum Umgang hinsichtlich der Meldepflicht Das European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) hat die Kategorie "I" bei der Antibiotika-Resistenzbestimmung neu definiert. Demnach berücksichtigen die Bewertungen "S" und "I" ab dem 1.1.2019 mit ...
2019-02-28ZeitschriftenartikelErgänzung zur Empfehlung der KRINKO „Hygienemaßnahmen bei Infektionen oder Besiedlung mit multiresistenten gramnegativen Stäbchen“ (2012) im Zusammenhang mit der von EUCAST neu definierten Kategorie „I“ bei der Antibiotikaresistenzbestimmung: Konsequenzen für die Definition von MRGN Das European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) hat die Kategorie "I" bei der Antibiotika-Resistenzbestimmung neu definiert. Demnach berücksichtigen die Bewertungen "S" und "I" ab dem 1.1.2019 mit ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelUptake of orthodontic treatment by children and adolescents in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study and trends For patients with considerable malfunctions, or where these could potentially develop, statutory health insurers completely cover the cost of correcting malpositionings of the teeth and jaws through orthodontic treatment ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelUtilization of early detection examinations by children in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study Examinations for early detection of diseases (called U-Untersuchungen in Germany) are among the most important prevention measures at childhood age. According to KiGGS Wave 2 data, participation rates are over 95% for ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelUtilization of paediatric and general medical services by children and adolescents in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study and trends In Germany, specialists in paediatrics and general medicine in private practices provide the bulk of outpatient treatment. Data from the second wave of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelSocial differences in the utilization of medical services by children and adolescents in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study Data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) enable conclusions about the utilization of outpatient and inpatient medical services by children and adolescents accounting the ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelUtilization of physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy by children and adolescents in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study and trends Allied health services such as physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy contribute to the early treatment of health disorders in children and adolescents and promote a healthy development. This article ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelOral health behaviour of children and adolescents in Germany. Results of the cross-sectional KiGGS Wave 2 study and trends Oral health behaviour plays a key role in the prevention of caries and periodontitis. This article describes the prevalence, determinants and trends of tooth brushing frequency and utilization of dental check-ups. The ...