Artikel in Fachzeitschriften: Recent submissions
Now showing items 2141-2160 of 5078
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelEditorial: Diabetes surveillance in Germany – status and perspectives
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelPublic Health Monitoring 65+ in Deutschland – Auswahl und Definition von Indikatoren Die Auswahl relevanter Indikatoren ist ein wichtiger Schritt in der Entwicklung eines Public-Health-Monitorings zur Gesundheit im höheren Lebensalter. In diesem können Informationen aus verschiedenen Datenquellen gezielt ...
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelStudie zur Gesundheitsberichterstattung über nichtübertragbare Erkrankungen am Beispiel von Diabetes mellitus im internationalen Vergleich Vor dem Hintergrund der wachsenden Krankheitslast durch Diabetes mellitus entwickelt das Robert Koch-Institut im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit eine Nationale Diabetes-Surveillance. Ein wesentliches Ziel ...
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelSekundärdaten in der Diabetes-Surveillance – Kooperationsprojekte und Referenzdefinition zur administrativen Diabetesprävalenz Neben den Gesundheitssurveys des Robert Koch-Instituts ist die zusätzliche Verwendung von Ergebnissen aus Sekundärdatenanalysen für die Zielsetzung einer wiederkehrenden und umfassenden Beschreibung des Diabetesgeschehens im ...
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelDiabetestypen sind nicht auf Altersgruppen beschränkt: Typ-1-Diabetes bei Erwachsenen und Typ-2-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen Basierend auf dem bundesweiten DPV-Register (Diabetes-Patienten-Verlaufsdokumentation), dem Diabetesregister in Nordrhein-Westfalen sowie Befragungen von Kliniken und Praxen in Baden-Württemberg und Sachsen wurden ...
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelSoziale Ungleichheit und Diabetes mellitus – zeitliche Entwicklung bei Erwachsenen in Deutschland Ein Zusammenhang von sozialer Benachteiligung mit dem Vorliegen eines bekannten Diabetes und einzelner Risikofaktoren ist gut belegt. Der Artikel fasst Ergebnisse der Untersuchungssurveys des Robert Koch-Instituts der ...
2019-06-19ZeitschriftenartikelEditorial: Diabetes-Surveillance in Deutschland – Zwischenstand und Perspektiven
2019-03-05ZeitschriftenartikelImpact of health insurance status among migrants from sub-Saharan Africa on access to health care and HIV testing in Germany: a participatory cross-sectional survey Background Among all newly diagnosed HIV cases in Germany in 2015, 16% originated from sub-Saharan Africa. Twelve percent of these infections were contracted within Germany and migrants from sub-Saharan Africa (misSA) are ...
2019-02-26ZeitschriftenartikelEmergence of the East-Central-South-African genotype of Chikungunya virus in Brazil and the city of Rio de Janeiro may have occurred years before surveillance detection Brazil, which is hyperendemic for dengue virus (DENV), has had recent Zika (ZIKV) and (CHIKV) Chikungunya virus outbreaks. Since March 2016, CHIKV is the arbovirus infection most frequently diagnosed in Rio de Janeiro. In ...
2019-02-11ZeitschriftenartikelThe tyrosine transporter of Toxoplasma gondii is a member of the newly defined apicomplexan amino acid transporter (ApiAT) family Apicomplexan parasites are auxotrophic for a range of amino acids which must be salvaged from their host cells, either through direct uptake or degradation of host proteins. Here, we describe a family of plasma membrane-localized ...
2019-01-11ZeitschriftenartikelA cross-sectional screening by next-generation sequencing reveals Rickettsia, Coxiella, Francisella, Borrelia, Babesia, Theileria and Hemolivia species in ticks from Anatolia Background Ticks participate as arthropod vectors in the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to humans. Several tick-borne infections have reemerged, along with newly described agents of unexplored pathogenicity. ...
2019-01-08ZeitschriftenartikelHIV-1 molecular transmission clusters in nine European countries and Canada: association with demographic and clinical factors Background Knowledge of HIV-1 molecular transmission clusters (MTCs) is important, especially in large-scale datasets, for designing prevention programmes and public health intervention strategies. We used a large-scale ...
2018-12-29ZeitschriftenartikelFind the right sample: A study on the versatility of saliva and urine samples for the diagnosis of emerging viruses Background The emergence of different viral infections during the last decades like dengue, West Nile, SARS, chikungunya, MERS-CoV, Ebola, Zika and Yellow Fever raised some questions on quickness and reliability of ...
2018-12-22ZeitschriftenartikelAntibiotic resistance, the 3As and the road ahead Antibiotic resistance is by far one of the most important health threats of our time. Only a global concerted effort of several disciplines based on the One-Health concept will help in slowing down this process and potentially ...
2018-12-22ZeitschriftenartikelSepsis prediction during outbreaks at neonatal intensive care units through body surface screening for Gram-negative bacteria: systematic review and meta-analysis Objective This systematic review focusses on the prognostic accuracy of neonatal body surface screening during outbreaks caused by Gram-negative bacteria for prediction of sepsis. In a previous systematic review we reported ...
2018-12-20ZeitschriftenartikelTime trends in depression prevalence and health-related correlates: results from population-based surveys in Germany 1997–1999 vs. 2009–2012 Background Although an “epidemic” of depression is frequently claimed, empirical evidence is inconsistent, depending on country, study design and depression assessment. Little is known about changes in depression over ...
2018-12-12ZeitschriftenartikelParticipation in group-based physical activity programmes for adults in Germany and associated factors: data from a nationwide cohort study Background Characteristics of different participation groups can provide important information to increase participation in group-based physical activity programmes (GPAPs). This study examined four types of participation ...
2018-12-18ZeitschriftenartikelAssociation between random glucose and all-cause mortality: findings from the mortality follow-up of the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998 Background Random glucose is widely measured in epidemiological studies and in the clinical setting when standardized fasting protocols and oral glucose tolerance testing or HbA1c measuring are not feasible. The relationship ...
2019-03-28ZeitschriftenartikelMRSA in Sachsen-Anhalt Der direkte MRSA-Nachweis in Blut oder Liquor ist seit 2009 gemäß IfSG meldepflichtig und dient der epidemiologischen Beurteilung invasiver MRSA-Infektionen. Nach deutlicher Zunahme war MRSA in den letzten Jahren in Europa ...
2019-02-22ZeitschriftenartikelPositive predictive value of the German notification system for infectious diseases: Surveillance data from eight local health departments, Berlin, 2012 The German Infection Protection Act requires notifying certain cases of infectious diseases to local health departments (LHD) in Germany. LHDs transmit notifications meeting case definitions to the national health authority, ...