Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 3272-3291 of 3778
2011-12-01ZeitschriftenartikelTenazität von Viren – Stabilität und Erhalt der Infektiosität von Viren Die Stabilität der Infektosität von Viren hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, von den jeweiligen viralen Eigenschaften und von der Summe der Umweltbedingungen, die vorherrschen. Die morphologischen und chemischen Differenzen ...
2011-12-01ZeitschriftenartikelTenazität: Die „natürliche Dekontamination“ von Bakterien und Toxinen Das Wissen von der Überlebensfähigkeit humanpathogener Erreger und Toxine ist im Kontext bioterroristischer Gefahrenlagen in einer besonderen Weise relevant: Ein profundes und detailliertes Wissen über die Rahmenbedingungen ...
1998-02-01ZeitschriftenartikelTetanus in Deutschland — Ergebnisse der Einzelfallerfassung seit 1995
2016-08-01ZeitschriftenartikelTetanus-Todesfall bei ungeimpfter Rentnerin – ein Fallbericht aus Bayern
2021-06-07ZeitschriftenartikelThe African Network for Improved Diagnostics, Epidemiology and Management of common infectious Agents In sub-Saharan Africa, acute respiratory infections (ARI), acute gastrointestinal infections (GI) and acute febrile disease of unknown cause (AFDUC) have a large disease burden, especially among children, while respective ...
2014-09-25ZeitschriftenartikelThe AIRSAN Project - Efficient, coherent EU level response to public health threats in air transport
2021-02-14ZeitschriftenartikelThe Association between Low Blood Pressure and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Observed in Children/Adolescents Does Not Persist into Young Adulthood. A Population-Based Ten-Year Follow-Up Study Background: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common behavioral disorders in childhood and adolescence associated with relevant psychosocial impairments. The basic pathophysiology of ADHD ...
2020-10-26ZeitschriftenartikelThe association between thyroid function biomarkers and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder The relation between thyroid function biomarkers and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents is currently unclear. Cross-sectional data from the German Health Interview and Examination ...
2013-06-21ZeitschriftenartikelThe Attenuated Brucella abortus Strain 19 Invades, Persists in, and Activates Human Dendritic Cells, and Induces the Secretion of IL-12p70 but Not IL-23 Background: Bacterial vectors have been proposed as novel vaccine strategies to induce strong cellular immunity. Attenuated strains of Brucella abortus comprise promising vector candidates since they have the potential ...
2022-11-22ZeitschriftenartikelThe BDSF quorum sensing receptor RpfR regulates Bep exopolysaccharide synthesis in Burkholderia cenocepacia via interaction with the transcriptional regulator BerB The polysaccharide Bep is essential for in vitro biofilm formation of the opportunistic pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia. We found that the Burkholderia diffusible signaling factor (BDSF) quorum sensing receptor RpfR is ...
2016-06-17ZeitschriftenartikelThe Bead Assay for Biofilms: A Quick, Easy and Robust Method for Testing Disinfectants Bacteria live primarily in microbial communities (biofilms), where they exhibit considerably higher biocide tolerance than their planktonic counterparts. Current standardized efficacy testing protocols of disinfectants, ...
2022-06-28Berichte und sonstige TexteThe burden of antimicrobial resistance in G7 countries and globally: AN URGENT CALL FOR ACTION
2023-10-13ZeitschriftenartikelThe Burden of Disease due to COVID-19 (BoCO-19): A study protocol for a secondary analysis of surveillance data in Southern and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has had an extensive impact on public health worldwide. However, in many countries burden of disease indicators for COVID-19 have not yet been calculated or used for monitoring. The ...
2013-03-21ZeitschriftenartikelThe burden of extrapulmonary and meningitis tuberculosis: an investigation of national surveillance data, Germany, 2002 to 2009 Tuberculosis (TB) surveillance commonly focuses on pulmonary (PTB) where the main organ affected is the lung. This might lead to underestimate extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) forms, where in addition to the lung other sites are ...
2017-01-11ZeitschriftenartikelThe Case for Adopting the “Species Complex” Nomenclature for the Etiologic Agents of Cryptococcosis Cryptococcosis is a potentially lethal disease of humans/animals caused by Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. Distinction between the two species is based on phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. Recently, ...
2021-05-04ZeitschriftenartikelThe case for developing a cohesive systems approach to research across unhealthy commodity industries Objectives Most non-communicable diseases are preventable and largely driven by the consumption of harmful products, such as tobacco, alcohol, gambling and ultra-processed food and drink products, collectively termed ...
2010-04-02ZeitschriftenartikelThe Case of Botulinum Toxin in Milk: Experimental Data Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) is the most toxic substance known to man and the causative agent of botulism. Due to its high toxicity and the availability of the producing organism Clostridium botulinum, BoNT is regarded as ...
2019-01-16ZeitschriftenartikelThe cell cycle regulator GpsB functions as cytosolic adaptor for multiple cell wall enzymes Bacterial growth and cell division requires precise spatiotemporal regulation of the synthesis and remodelling of the peptidoglycan layer that surrounds the cytoplasmic membrane. GpsB is a cytosolic protein that affects ...
2008-06-04ZeitschriftenartikelThe challenge of comprehensively mapping children's health in a nation-wide health survey: Design of the German KiGGS-Study Background: From May 2003 to May 2006, the Robert Koch Institute conducted the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Aim of this first nationwide interview and examination ...
2020-01-10ZeitschriftenartikelThe concept of acculturation in epidemiological research among migrant populations: A systematic review •Acculturation is a widely used concept in epidemiological research.•There are various ways to measure acculturation using proxies or scales; often an acculturation score is calculated.•Studies often show inconsistencies ...