Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 2515-2534 of 3861
2017-11-20ZeitschriftenartikelOrigin, evolution, and global transmission of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus ST8 USA300 is a pandemic clonal lineage of hypervirulent, community-acquired, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) with specific molecular characteristics. Despite its high clinical relevance, the evolutionary ...
2020-02-25ZeitschriftenartikelOrthohepevirus C: An Expanding Species of Emerging Hepatitis E Virus Variants Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emerging zoonotic pathogen that has received an increasing amount of attention from virologists, clinicians, veterinarians, and epidemiologists over the past decade. The host range and animal ...
2009-11-19ZeitschriftenartikelOseltamivir-resistant influenza A(H1N1) viruses detected in Europe during season 2007-8 had epidemiologic and clinical characteristics similar to co-circulating susceptible A(H1N1) viruses During the 2007-08 influenza season, high levels of oseltamivir resistance were detected among influenza A(H1N1) viruses in a number of European countries. We used surveillance data to describe influenza A(H1N1) cases for ...
2009-04-01ZeitschriftenartikelOseltamivir-Resistant Influenza Virus A (H1N1), Europe, 2007–08 Season In Europe, the 2007-08 winter season was dominated by influenza virus A (H1N1) circulation through week 7, followed by influenza B virus from week 8 onward. Oseltamivir-resistant influenza viruses A (H1N1) (ORVs) with H275Y ...
2019-09-26ZeitschriftenartikelOsmolyte homeostasis controls single-cell growth rate and maximum cell size of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell growth is well described at the population level, but precisely how nutrient and water uptake and cell wall expansion drive the growth of single cells is poorly understood. Supported by measurements of single-cell ...
2005-11-17ZeitschriftenartikelOsteoporoseprävalenz und assoziierte Versorgungsmuster bei Frauen im Alter ab 45 Jahren in Deutschland - Ergebnisse des ersten telefonischen Gesundheitssurveys 2003 Im Rahmen des ersten telefonischen Gesundheitssurveys (GSTel03) wurden auch die Prävalenz von Osteoporose und assoziierten Faktoren bei Frauen ab 45 Jahren untersucht. Die Lebenszeitprävalenz einer ärztlich diagnostizierten ...
1998-06-01ZeitschriftenartikelOsteoporose—ein prioritäres Gesundheitsproblem mit vielen offenen Fragen
2015-02-22ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of cryptosporidium hominis following river flooding in the city of Halle (Saale), Germany, August 2013 Background: During weeks 32–33, 2013, 24 cases of cryptosporidiosis were notified in the city of Halle (annual mean 2008–2012: 9 cases). We investigated the outbreak to identify the source and recommend control measures, ...
2022-11-17ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of imported diphtheria with Corynebacterium diphtheriae among migrants arriving in Germany, 2022 From July 2022, cases of imported diphtheria with toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae remarkably increased among migrants arriving in Germany. Up to 30 September 2022, 44 cases have been reported to the national ...
2010-08-10ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of influenza virus A/H1N1 in a hospital ward for immunocompromised patients In February 2008, five patients were infected with the H1N1 subtype of influenza A virus in one hospital ward for immunocompromised patients at a hospital in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. All of these patients had an ...
2010-04-10ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of leptospirosis among triathlon participants in Germany, 2006 Background: In August 2006, a case of leptospirosis occurred in an athlete after a triathlon held around Heidelberg and in the Neckar river. In order to study a possible outbreak and to determine risk factors for infection ...
2011-12-15ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of Salmonella Montevideo associated with a dietary food supplement flagged in the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) in Germany, 2010 In March 2010 the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was used to inform about Salmonella Montevideo in a herbal food supplement, formulated in capsules, distributed under a Dutch label in Germany. Simultaneous ...
2012-02-09ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of salmonellosis after a wedding party, Bavaria, Germany, summer 2010: the importance of implementing food safety concepts An outbreak of salmonellosis in the summer of 2010 after a wedding party in Bavaria, Germany, was investigated, to identify vehicles and source of the outbreak and any flaws in food safety procedures. A cohort study ...
2015-03-13ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of Trichinellosis Due to Wild Boar Meat and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Post Exposure Prophylaxis, Germany, 2013 Background: Food safety authorities discovered that wild boar meat products contaminated with Trichinella spiralis had entered the food chain in Germany in March 2013. Public health authorities issued guidelines for health ...
2015-06-01ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of Uncommon O4 Non-Agglutinating Salmonella Typhimurium Linked to Minced Pork, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, January to April 2013 Introduction: In January 2013, the National Reference Centre for Salmonella (NRC) detected a salmonellosis cluster in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, caused by uncommon O4 non-agglutinating, monophasic Salmonella (S.) Typhimurium ...
2011-01-13ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of West Nile virus infection in humans, Romania, July to October 2010 A total of 57 cases of West Nile virus infection (54 with neuroinvasive infection and three with fever) were identified in Romania between July and October 2010. The median age of the cases was 53.4 years, with the highest ...
2009-04-07ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreak of wound botulism in injecting drug users Between October and December 2005, 16 cases of wound botulism were notified to the health authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. All patients were injecting drug users (IDU) and the epidemiological investigations ...
2012-02-02ZeitschriftenartikelOutbreaks of virulent diarrheagenic Escherichia coli - are we in control? Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are the most virulent diarrheagenic E. coli known to date. They can be spread with alarming ease via food as exemplified by a large sprout-borne outbreak of STEC O104:H4 in ...
2012-04-06ZeitschriftenartikelOvercoming Species Boundaries in Peptide Identification with Bayesian Information Criterion-driven Error-tolerant Peptide Search (BICEPS) Currently, the reliable identification of peptides and proteins is only feasible when thoroughly annotated sequence databases are available. Although sequencing capacities continue to grow, many organisms remain without ...
2012-04-06ZeitschriftenartikelOvercoming species boundaries in peptide identification with BICEPS Currently, the reliable identification of peptides and proteins is only feasible when thoroughly annotated sequence databases are available. While sequencing capacities continue to grow, many organisms remain without ...