Browsing Artikel in Fachzeitschriften by Title
Now showing items 3797-3816 of 3855
2016-02-15ZeitschriftenartikelWo stehen wir 10 Jahre nach dem ersten Treffen am RKI? – Neue Herausforderung 4 MRGN Bericht über das 4. Treffen der Moderatoren der regionalen MRE-Netzwerke
2015-12-03ZeitschriftenartikelWo steht Deutschland im europäischen Vergleich?
2014-07-29ZeitschriftenartikelWohnumfeld – Stolperstein oder Weg zum gesunden Altern? Neben einer guten medizinischen Versorgung ist die Struktur des Wohnumfeldes von zentraler Bedeutung, um soziale Teilhabe älterer Menschen zu fördern. Für die Kommunen bedeutet dies, dass sie der altersgerechten Gestaltung ...
2022-07-12ZeitschriftenartikelWomen in the European Virus Bioinformatics Center Viruses are the cause of a considerable burden to human, animal and plant health, while on the other hand playing an important role in regulating entire ecosystems. The power of new sequencing technologies combined with ...
2019-08-07ZeitschriftenartikelWork-family conflict, self-reported general health and work-family reconciliation policies in Europe: Results from the European Working Conditions Survey 2015 The increasing labor market participation of women in Europe leads to many women and men having to reconcile paid work with family work and thus reporting work-family conflict (WFC). WFC is related to different dimensions ...
2017-06-15ZeitschriftenartikelWork-related physical activity among adults in Germany In GEDA 2014/2015-EHIS the prevalence of work-related physical activity was estimated based on respondents’ self-reported data. 47.5% of women and 47.2% of men mostly sit or stand during work. The highest proportion of ...
2013-02-28ZeitschriftenartikelWorkers with a chronic disease and work disability Die Prävalenz chronischer Erkrankungen in der Altersgruppe der 18- bis 65-Jährigen ist hoch. Am häufigsten treten kardiometabolische Störungen und muskuloskeletale Krankheiten auf. In Abhängigkeit von der Erkrankung und ...
2017-02-09ZeitschriftenartikelXenotransplantation — A special case of One Health The chronic shortage of human transplants to treat tissue and organ failure has led to the development of xenotransplantation, the transplantation of cells, tissues and organs from another species to human recipients. For ...
2014-07-25ZeitschriftenartikelXenotransplantation-Progress and Problems: A Review Xenotransplantation using pig cells, tissues or organs is considered to be a solution to the shortage of human allotransplants. Pigs have been selected as optimal donor for several reasons, among them physiological and ...
2017-05-27ZeitschriftenartikelXenotransplantation: Today and Tomorrow
2010-06-01ZeitschriftenartikelXenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus–related Gammaretrovirus in Respiratory Tract Xenotropic murine leukemia virus–related gammaretrovirus (XMRV) has been recently associated with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. To identify nucleic acid sequences, we examined respiratory secretions by using ...
2003-05-01ZeitschriftenartikelXIV. Internationale AIDS-Konferenz in Barcelona, 2002 Teil 2
2003-04-01ZeitschriftenartikelXIV. Internationale AIDS-Konferenz in Barcelona, 2002 Teil 1 Auf der Suche nach Committment
2005-03-30ZeitschriftenartikelXV. Internationale AIDS-Konferenz in Bangkok—AIDS in Asien hat tausend Gesichter - Teil 2: Die Ausbreitung von HIV in besonders betroffenen Regionen und besonders gefährdeten Gruppen
2005-06-02ZeitschriftenartikelXV. Internationale AIDS-Konferenz in Bangkok—AIDS in Asien hat tausend Gesichter - Teil 3: Stand der Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und der Impfstoffentwicklung
2005-01-17ZeitschriftenartikelXV. Internationale AIDSKonferenz in Bangkok – AIDS in Asien hat tausend Gesichter - Teil 1: Zugang für alle? Zugang zu was?
2020-05-06ZeitschriftenartikelYaws Disease Caused by Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue in Wild Chimpanzee, Guinea, 2019 Yaws-like lesions are widely reported in wild African great apes, yet the causative agent has not been confirmed in affected animals. We describe yaws-like lesions in a wild chimpanzee in Guinea for which we demonstrate ...
2021-02-03ZeitschriftenartikelYears of Life Lost to Death Background: Knowing which diseases and causes of death account for most of the years of life lost (YLL) can help to better target appropriate prevention and intervention measures. The YLL in Germany for specific causes of ...
2012-07-20ZeitschriftenartikelYears of potential life lost for six major enteric pathogens, Germany, 2004–2008 In industrialized countries, acute infectious enteric diseases are usually mild, but they can also cause death. They do so, however, at different ages. Using 2004–2008 German notification data, we computed and compared ...
2018-07-12ZeitschriftenartikelYellow fever in the diagnostics laboratory Yellow fever (YF) remains a public health issue in endemic areas despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine. In 2015–2016, urban outbreaks of YF were declared in Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, ...